Why does he like me crazy?

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2 years ago

Good evening here everyone, I hope you all had a great day or maybe your day is still going nice, I'd ask you to keep it up. Don't let go of the fighting spirit in you and I wish you all well. I've been caught busy lately, I've not been this busy that I won't even have time for myself, I started writing this yesterday but by brain won't just boot up. Probably I need some rest which I'll definitely consider.

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A lot of misconceptions about men is out there and ladies tend to believe what they hear first, atleast most of the ladies I know. It is actually normal for you to believe what you hear first and that's why you see kids that believe their teachers even more than their parents but that doesn't mean we shouldn't understand that people are different and I'm going to talk about something today that most of the ladies feel is cool but I'll tell you to play your cards smartly to save your relationship or your heart at least.

In one of the episodes of the "hey Steve" I watched, this lady was claiming that her boyfriend loves it when she's mean to her but she's scared that she'll overdo it at sometime and my question is why scared? If a man loves you for your being mean, he'd love you forever for that but that's not my problem. You can be as mean as you wish to your guy because I've even heard people say that " the crazy girlfriends are the best". Well, I'm not saying it's a lie cus I also love someone that can take me on adventures that I won't expect and all but you must be sure of what your guy wants because it's dangerous to be mean to him when he doesn't like it and he might be so gentle that he won't react and you'd feel he's cool with it. That's when it gets tricky because it'll ge to a point where he won't be able to take it again and it might be too late to save your relationship then.

There's somewhere else that this could get real tricky and that's when the guy you're dating is not actually for you and he's probably there to use you and dump you, that's harsh I know but sometimes, I must tell you that the most patient guys have something they're waiting for before they leave because they feel it's worth to wait and endure the "craziness" because of whatever they're after, probably the cookie. I'm not saying that all the guys that endure are always the bad guys but you have to just be very careful about that and shine your eyes.

My final take is that you can be as crazy as you want if that's the person you are before he met you but if you meet him and y'all started dating before you start showing your craziness, it's very hard for you to save that relationship. I'm saying this because once a guy likes a lady, he loves her and the whole package she comes with so if you're the one that the craziness is in your package, continue with it but please don't just overdo it and chase him away because we all have our endurance limit too no matter what we opt in for...

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2 years ago


There are some acts of the lady should not manifest all in the name of being crazy, some backfires especially if he guy is the calm type. Also, not idea to hide or show a part of you at the early stage to bring the full package later,,,,be who you are, be what you can be able to flow with all day and night

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What do you mean by chop sir, is she na a food to be eaten out? 🌚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The "use and dump" got me laughing. Absolutely, you've said the truth. Some guys are in relationship to eat the lady, i call them "see and chop" guys. 😁 The goodnews is that we still have the good guys with good intentions.

Lady with an attitude should be that before he meets her, and shouldn't try to it on all of a sudden in the relationship.

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2 years ago