Play to earn games (Boar war)

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Avatar for Oluwa_damilare
2 years ago

Good morning and a happy Sunday to y'all. I appreciate the warm welcome from you all yesterday, it really got me motivated and happy at the same time and before I forget, while I was away, someone that tags herself anonymous 🌚went all the way to find my phone number to call and ask why I've been away. I'm very sure she doesn't know how much that meant to me, not to be proud but you know the feeling that someone can notice that you aren't writing when we have over 89,000 users in here. Oh man!!! I was so glad and I appreciate the person. To the people that didn't leave me also and kept checking up through out the time, my biggest fan, @Okeh and @Mofif that hit 100 subscribers yesterday. A big shout-out to y'all. Another big shout out to those who read my article from my status and wherever, I appreciate you all too. Thanks for bringing me this far.

Sponsors of Oluwa_damilare
To the wonderful set of sponsors I have 
too, I appreciate your patience and love

To the topic of today, the play to earn games also known as p2e games, I promised to write about this yesterday before I can finally get back to my love talks in my subsequent writings.

The play to earn gaming system is just one of its kind, I'll call it a nice development to the gaming world because on a norm, we all enjoy playing games but can you imagine getting paid for what you're enjoying? That'd be cool and that's what the P2E has come to do. The game is built on the block chain technology which makes payment of the crypto coins and in-game economy possible. The game itself is built on a particular Blockchain, in the case of Axie infinity, one of the most popular p2e games is built on the etherium Blockchain but also has a side chain, ronin which got hacked recently but I'm not going there today. The Blockchain it is built on most of the time dictates the coin you'd be paid in but you'd probably not spend those coins in the game. Let me make this clear, in the boarwar game, you can spend just truffle and acorns but your in-game coins can be swapped to any coin of your choice.

  • The backstory of the game (boarwar)

For a long time of peace and great abundance in the land of swinia, it was time for the king of swinia to get married to porcita, the princess of the kingdom of piggeton. On his way to the wedding ceremony through the dark forest, he was murdered and found frozen and scattered into pieces. The main suspect the boars of swinia had was swinilla the dzik whom had a long time crush on portica, he and the mountain boars denied having anything to do with the death of the king of swinia and they also accused their alliance, bridges have been burnt, peaces has been lost and war is inevitable and only the victors of the war would write history. Players are therefore welcome to take part in this great adventure and make great profits from it.😁

  • The breeding

What makes this so much more interesting is that later on, female boars, boarettes would be introduced into the game to give boars the chance to mate and give offsprings because they also grow old and ascend to the Acorn pantheon. The breeding has made provisions for more boars in your army once you have a boarette however we have something like the potency level which means that even boars of the most expensive and rare class might it be able to reproduce and continue their generation, hence dynasty due to their impotence.

I'd love to keep mentioning everything about the game but you can still know more if you want, just join the discord server with this link. There will be a trivia today where you can test your knowledge on the mechanics of the game and society and win crypto prizes, NFTs and whitelists. It holds every Sunday, today's first round is by 10:30UTC and I wish you could come around and see it and also get involved in several giveaways and love that we share in this community. Just join this link. Thanks for reading through...

$ 0.64
$ 0.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Mofif
$ 0.02 from @Balikis
Sponsors of Oluwa_damilare
Avatar for Oluwa_damilare
2 years ago


I’ve haven’t played play 2 Earn game before until recently when I heard a lot of writer and investors writing about this and I hope one day I’ll definitely play it. Welcome back Bro

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah man... You should probably get on boarwar so early before it's launch because you'd have some added advantages. Trust me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've completely lost interest in games because of lack of time but this P2P games I'm hearing everyday is becoming enchanting and it's like I'm gonna adopt it soon

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well, I also was considering how time taking it could be and one of my friends told me it shouldn't take 30 to 40 minutes per day atleast tho... It's considerable

$ 0.00
2 years ago

P2E game will be very interesting as you explained. I will love to start this. Though i'm new here, but i will like to join others to say welcome back.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Well... Welcome here mate, just try to follow on... You'll find a lot of interesting stuffs here, trust me

$ 0.00
2 years ago