I wasn't invited for the challenge but I saw my friend @Zhyne06 did this and I was motivated to join in.
This writing was prompted by @JonicaBradley and the rules are simple:
Write about Motivation.
Write 100% original content.
Write at least, 600 words.
Tag @JonicaBradley
Have fun.
So, what motivates me daily?
1. LOVE.
I love writing. Apart from playing football and running, I would say writing came naturally to me. I have been writing for a long time and my inspiration comes from even the most unlikely places. I write about anything and everything. Writing gives me joy and I see writing as an art.
I have always admired those who can draw or are creative but I am none of that because I am not so good at it. I know I am good with my words and what others do with their pen and boards, I carve my own out with words with a vivid description of it. This has always been a huge motivation for me, knowing I can create my own world with my words
When I started writing when I was still in Secondary School, my huge motivation came from feedback from people. I love hearing when people tell me how they are blessed by my words. It is a huge motivation for me and I remember telling myself "I would rather live for a day and touch many lives than to live for hundred years and not be remembered by anyone".
That time, I had a friend who loved an article I wrote on " What Motivates You". He shared it on the site he writes on and he told me he earned big from it. This leads me to my third point:
Knowing I can earn from what I love doing is mindblowing. This is a huge motivation for me to put my talent into use and earn extra income from it. It has helped me growing up because as funny as it sounds, I used my writing through the help of God to fund my wedding. It was perfect timing and I am grateful for it.
This is why I keep on writing and waking up every day knowing I can make something out of my day by earning daily. I hope to continue that right here on read.cash.
After losing my job in December last year, my whole attention came back fully to my writing. So, to keep earning, I have to motivate myself even on days that I don't feel like writing. There are days like that when I don't feel like doing anything but when I remember my bills hahaha and the opportunity to leverage on my writings to earn, say no more, the motivation comes hahaha.
And I have heard so much about @TheRandomRewarder I hope to be visited too one day by the graciousness so as to continue earning from here.
My family has been a huge part of my life now. I want to give them the best of everything. We all start and end with family. While we are busy chasing everything to make ends meet we should never forget that which is important and that is family. I love mine and won't joke with them. The desire to give them the best life possible, to make them happy and give them one thing less to worry about daily makes me motivated to stretch myself.
Most of the time I stay up late just to make as many posts as possible so I can have time with them during the day while also posting my drafts. I don't want them to feel I am choosing them less. They are a huge motivation for me in life to never drop the ball or relent.
For those who have known me, they would know I love nothing more than giving. I hate it when someone asks me for something and I don't have it. I like pushing myself more to earn more to meet my needs and have some leftovers so when the opportunity arises to do something worthwhile with it like helping someone in need, I can gladly do it.
I have always believed that giving is never giving until we are able to give to those who might never be able to repay us. Giving is my favourite topic to explain and also my favourite act to do. I am motivated to step out every day, stretch myself every day with the possibility of helping at least one person. I love leaving people better than I met them.
I would love to nominate @Hanzell for this wonderful challenge.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to carve myself open and to remind myself it is okay to stay motivated for the things I love doing for the purpose to which I am doing it.
Cc: @JonicaBradley
You have plenty of great ways to motivate you to write. The love for writing and touching people's lives being my absolute favourite. I'm sure I don't need to tell you to keep it up - you're already great at it.
You have a beautiful family 💙