This Is Life - Life's Lessons.

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2 years ago

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We are all in different forms and shapes from different races all across the face of the earth. We might look alike with similar features with blood and water running through our veins. We come in different forms - tall and short alike. We have our hidden potentials and these vary too.

Understandably, we all act differently from each other. We have different backgrounds, different exposures and our learning processes are different. Sometimes when you think you understand someone, something happens and your understanding changes. Life sometimes knows how to turn that understanding to leave you clueless.

Stop beating yourself up when you see another aspect of another human unfold. You are not perfect either so don't expect them to be. You are not privileged to have the same exposure as others and you don't see them force their ways on you, don't do the same. We are shaped by our experiences and even our environment has its say on how we turn out. The company you keep determines who you evolve into also, so stop trying too much to unravel the mystery behind every human. Another human is not a mystery for you to solve rather seek ways to let your light shine and pass a good message across to others by your good works.

My understanding changed when I was in my first year at the university when I thought everyone could write. If you are blessed with the gift of writing or you have an interest in writing and you are putting in the work then be grateful. As simple as a text message, many people find it so hard to type.

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I remembered when I was in my first year because all my roommates know that I love to write and I am pretty fast while typing, they would gather around and ask me to reply to their messages or help them compose their text to their girlfriends. Not everyone will have the same passion as you, not everyone would love the things you love so it is pointless to force others to be as passionate as you are about some things.

Another thing I have noticed is that most people make conclusions about others. They go all around making unnecessary deductions even though sometimes you see them come appealing to you with their seductions. They put you in a box and might gladly love to even put you in an auction hahahahaha. Most people try to sound intelligent and their words are as slick as oil but their actions never matched. This is life.

They write others off even before they get to know them. Someone once joked that you need to beware of those who know the answers even before they hear the questions. We are all different and rightly so. Still, with the obvious differences, not everyone can have the same principles as you have. Let your words and actions match despite the failing habits of humans. Set the standard high and try to push yourself. I know it is not easy because sometimes we want to become like those who hurt us but when you battle with the pigs, you will get dirty and they will still beat you with experience.

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We live in a world where everyone judges you based on your appearance. They look down on you because of their inflated ego and their desire to feel superior. We are often overlooked by people by the idea behind their definition of wealth. They try to box you into a corner to define who you are not. Don't stay there. As much as you have no influence regarding what others think of you, don't stay defined and try to impress them by what they perceived of you. Learn to rise above those who try to pin you down and define who you are not. Don't get disturbed when anyone tries to look down on you. That is life.

Life will always happen and it will come in different form just to knock you down. It can come in form of betrayal, shattering of your ego, lies, wrong perception or wrongful judgment. We look at ourselves sometimes with a frown, we feel downcast like a king without his crown. We don’t see the world as interesting as we thought it to be. We sometimes want to be pitied, hoping to change whatever narrative people have of us.

Life will either bless you or bury you and you decide how it would be. You control your narrative so just try and live your life the best way you can. When life throws you down, when people kick you down, dust yourself up and tell those who care to listen that you don’t need pity but you only need strength. You can be strengthened with the strength of others. Try to see life in a positive light because the world is depressing enough. Pity is a lonely farm where nothing else grows. Misery loves company that's what we have come to understand as humans.

Stop trying to seek approval from those who can’t understand your kind of person and whose opinion doesn't change much about you. Let them throw you to the wolves but make sure you come back leading the pack. Life won't always be how you want it to be, people won't always turn out as you have imagined them to be but you are responsible for how you turn out regardless of the challenges you encountered along the way. Rise about the tide and use it to your advantage.

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2 years ago


Very well said my friend. When I was in college too, I can easily write an essay but I am doubting myself if I am right or not. My friends will look for my essay and said they'll just get some ideas from my work.

True, we should not live with what other people would say. Instead we should be true to our self. If we get stumbled, they're not the one to make it right but we ourselves. We're all different with different path to take. So, we should be open minded with what other people's choice and opinion in life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is beautiful...yes, we should be open minded with other people's choices.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Respect is very important, right my friend?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course, it is.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life will always happen. If we can just understand the simple truth behind this statement then we won't worry about what people will think of us. And that is when we can live and not care about the challenges encountered on the way.

Thanks for these words, I'll save it in my bookmark.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I feel honoured. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let them throw you to the wolves but make sure you come back leading the pack.

Of all the things said and written here, this got my attention lol. Maybe it's because of my love for wolves hehehhe.

Well, this is life, we can't always expect all the praises from people. The truth is that people will always judge and it's left for us to just keep being ourselves and doing what we know is right and leave others to their opinions.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahahaha you love wolves. You must have watched so many wolves' movies or series.

Yes, it is left to us to decide how we are going to live our lives. Thanks a lot, dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I do and I have watched a few not really a lot as in Lot lot 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahahaha did you watch Teen Wolf?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same thing with me. I once introduced my friend to but she couldn't because she isn't use to writing. Even to press her phone for so long is Problem to her. I know we are different but we shouldn't use that against anyone. We all have different interest and passion. What you can do, others find it difficult to do it. So do not look down on anyone.

Also, we cannot be perfect and we should not expect others to be perfect. We only need to keep doing what we can do best and rise above the tide just as you said.

Thank you for sharing.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Absolutely, my dear. One person's strength is another person's weakness. Thanks a lot, dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago