Still Doing Poetry...

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1 year ago

I poured out my thoughts through poems again today and I hope you enjoy these ones too. They are my works and I want to share more and more of them.

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You Thought...

You thought the love of your life would leave you
You thought life would crush you between the weights
You thought you would cry your eyes out
With fleeting moments of joy and happiness
You thought this is how you would go out of life
With only memories of your failed attempts
You thought there is no strength left for you to go on
You imagined yourself in the house of your choice
But reality stares at you in the face every time you wake
You thought it would forever rain and sunshine will hide
You thought this day marks the end of your life
I am here to tell you that it is not today, why?
You have so much to live for; you only need to look inside
Choose your gaze and focus on what’s working instead
You will die, yes but not today because the years are still ahead
And countries afar have not even started singing of your exploits
Not today, my dear friend and tomorrow is another day of exploit
There won’t be a crisis this week; my schedule is already filled

Ecstatic Love.

I seem to be lost for words at the mention of your name
I seem to forget my name when I am touched by you
My heart race as run just at the mere sight of you
Love is always new with you, my lady
You are a golfer and I am definitely your caddy
Oh! Love me tender and pamper me better than a daddy
I am jealous of how the wind blows away your lovely hair
I want to be the one to play with your hair
I am jealous of the clothes that you put on
Because I want to be the one closest to your body
I get jealous of those who see you every single day
Because I only want to have you close every day
I love you not for who you are alone, my darling
I love you for how I am when I am with you
I would be lost if I ever lose you, my darling


Life is good when you are blessed with the right company
Life should be lived and not treated like a tyranny
Often times many people take life too serious
They seem to forget no one can get out alive
We need to see the bright side of life in everything
We need to be open to making mistakes and also learn
Life doesn't come with any instruction, so we live and learn
Surround yourself with the right kind of company
There is no sense in a bad company even when they are many
Many people try to live life with judgemental feeling
A lot of people wouldn't even want to learn from life
They feel life is indebted to them and feel hard done by
Life is what we make out of it; life is how we choose to see it
Life doesn't come with manuals, so try to live and learn


Mother earth has given us so much
We see beauty pop up from every angle
Life unfolds beautifully from every tangle
Adorned with a better outfit than a bangle
Mother earth has given us so much as humans
That is her gift for us all, as humans
Our gift to earth is what we make of these gifts
A lot of humans have damaged these gifts
We allowed greed to take the center stage
We allowed a lack of love to rule our hearts
We kill ourselves over what we have been freely given
Mother earth has done her part for us as humans
And we need to do our part and cherish what we have received
Often times we direct our lives on what we have perceived
Mother earth has so much beauty to give
We limit what we see by the damage we have wrought
We have been gifted by mother earth
What have you made of what the earth has given?

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks. I am love's chemical content in human form and that's why  I advise people to take a dose of "Olawalium" daily. 🙈

Kindly follow me on Noise.App.

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$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
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1 year ago


Poem on Mother Earth i so nice. Truly it has given us so much but man retaliates by destruction. Life is definitely good when blessed with good friends along with supporting members from our family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is a beautiful comment and it's true. Merry Christmas. Thank you so much.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You wrote a very good poem today. I just suddenly felt related with my thought. I thought everything happens to ruin me. I thought life will only makes me suffer. A lot of thoughts that for somehow made me feel that's there no more future for me to hold.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Some thoughts mess up with our head but we need to set it straight and do better.

Merry Christmas my dear friend.

$ 0.00
1 year ago