I can see clearly now that the rain has gone and stopped

I can see every obstacle on my way that I have topped

Situation of life tried to stop me but still, I have cropped

Like a seed I have germinated and I cannot be dropped

Watch me rise to the top and celebratory party I popped

I see the world differently and through a lens

For some and maybe to you it doesn't make much sense

But in the long run, you would understand this sentence

So, when the world is dark and the road fearful

When situations of life humbles you and leaves you tearful

When humans stop being human and you desire an animal over humans

When to you, everything falls apart

Can you honestly answer this question...what do you see?

$ 0.02
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@Olasquare posted 1 month ago


Yes I can see clearly that I will stand up and rise again to the top.

$ 0.00
1 month ago

I love that faith. You will.

$ 0.00
4 weeks ago