Important Self Reflection Questions For Success One thing common among successful people is that they 'reflect on life their journey to pick up important lessons that will empower them to do better as they journey through life.

Successful people reflect on their career life, family life, relationships, business and even money decisions. The lessons they learn from these reflections position them to do better going forward. Here are vital money reflections you must make if you want to be successful:

1]: How Much Am I Earning- Reflecting on how much you earn will help you understand your present level financially and also begin to consider what you need to do to become better financially. If you do not know where you are, it may be difficult to move from there.

2]: How Much Am I Spending- This reflection is what helps you monitor your spending and know where exactly your money is going. Knowing where your money goes helps you cut down on excessive spending.

3]: How Can I Increase My Income- If you must be rich and successful you must reflect deeply on how to increase your income. This is because how much you make will determine how much you spend and ultimately how much you invest. If you lack income, you cannot make investment.

3]: What Investment Opportunity Can I Plug Into- Successful people always reflect on available investment opportunity to take advantage of because they understand that investment is a key vehicle of wealth creation.

What money reflectio

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@Okondi55 posted 3 years ago
