What Manner of Love

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2 years ago

In the world today, especially in our African communities, it is feared that the love of God is becoming a done deal. While God loves us, His love has never been a done deal. It comes with conditions. The first condition is obedience to the will of God and the second condition is faithfulness to the commands of God. The third condition is steadfastness in prayer asking for divine intervention against the problems and challenges that confront us. The fourth condition is to do everything within our power to see to it that our decisions and choices are in accord with the Word of God.

I am convinced that wherever God's people are obedient to His Word, faithful in prayer and doing their level best within their abilities and environment there will always be light in their darkness, joy in their sorrow, victory in their defeats and a smile on their faces.

God's love will make or break us because it is His love that builds us up or pulls us down. Therefore, let us not only proclaim God's love but also demonstrate this love by our actions and speech.

The Bible says in Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." The Apostle John says in 1 John 4:9 "In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him."

God loves you and me in such a personal way. If you are a believer and trust in Christ alone for your salvation, then God has already forgiven every sin you have ever committed and will ever commit and He will never remember them. He loves you unconditionally, but He will not force His love down your throat and make you believe it. You have to trust Him to be true to what He has promised and come to know Him. God's love is available to all those who want it, if they are willing to accept it by trusting Him now.

Love brings the Hope and Faith to move forward in our lives. A relationship with God requires us to be proactive in our daily lives. We, in the faith, believe that we can move mountains by love. Not by force, but by the power of love. The power of God, who is love, is released in our lives and when we have faith in His love and trust Him, we are able to do things that would otherwise be insurmountable obstacles. God is always available to help you achieve your goals and your dreams. Just remember that you have to do your part, too. Ask and keep asking. Don't give up.

God's love - The love God has for us is unending and unconditional. It is His love that saved the whole world from sin, death and eternal condemnation. The love of God is sure, certain and can be rely upon now and forever.

God's love is certain, constant, immutable and unchanging. His love for us is full and complete, beyond measure, immeasurable and infinitely beyond our ability to fully appreciate.

God reveals His love through the death of His Son and if you have trusted in Christ as Lord and Savior you know and live in the experience of God's unfailing love for you.

God's love is beyond what we as humans can understand. It is so vast we can never fully grasp it or comprehend it's perfection. When we are experiencing trials or troubles, even what seems like failure or loss, we can be secure in the knowledge that God loves us unconditionally through the cross of Jesus Christ.

I have been telling people about God's love for so long, sometimes I think I don't have anything else to say. But when I come face to face with someone whose loved one is dying, or who is going through a crisis of faith, or who has just lost a loved one, then I know my message is still needed.

Sponsors of OkanlaDavid

This month, we'll be wrapping up our month-long "God's Love Is" series that encouraged us to think about the love of God in different ways. This week, as we conclude the series, I want to tell you about God's love for you.

Our hope is that you will find encouragement as we consider how God's love becomes the anchor of our faith, our hope and the driving force in our lives. No matter what we are facing, when we know God loves us and has a plan for our lives, then we don't need to fear the future. God's love gives us peace of mind.



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Sponsors of OkanlaDavid
Avatar for OkanlaDavid
2 years ago


Loved your article! Truly God is our hope,, even in the darkest hours when you think God is with you, this thought gives you a feeling of calmness that everything is going to be fine

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2 years ago