Purpose Driven
Living a purpose-driven life is an exciting journey you don't know. Purpose prevents future regret and prepares you for future impact. I recently worked for a company outside what I enjoy doing, from the beginning till when I stopped the feeling I got has been worrisome and fears. I know deep down that is not part of what I'm called to live for.
Purpose-Driven Living is a structured guide, with a series of questions within each chapter to help you plan your life. Now you can finally have the information so that you can make decisions that are right for you and your loved ones. I had to sit all to myself asking logical and sincere questions about my engagement so far but truth be told I wasn't feeling right working in that company. It was like I was caged.
The purpose-driven approach is not a formula for success. It’s not a secret formula that all rich people use to get rich. It’s simply a way to organize your life so that you can make good decisions about the future, about who you want to be and about how you want to spend your time. It helps you work through the big questions of what you want from life and who you want to be in this thing called “life”. It is my decision to make and no one else. My step to take and no one else...
Purpose is the driving momentum to move forward towards a particular target or goal, a vision that is exciting and inspiring. It's a dream, a goal you've been working toward for so long you can visualize what it looks like when it comes to fruition.
Fuller life journey of impact and intervention. Purpose reveals itself through actions, words, results and thoughts. As people, we tend to lead very inactive lives. We do things only when we feel like doing them. For example, if you wake up in the morning and think: “I feel like going to church today”, then you go to church. The problem with this thinking is that things don't improve unless you take active steps to make them better. We often live our lives in the same boring way every day, but the truth is that we can do so much more with our lives.
Purpose Driven is a life that allows you to create and pursue your life vision. The vision will include your purpose, goals, vision, life mission and a start plan. Purpose Driven will make it easy for you to set goals and plans for your future. You will always see the big picture of that vision being fulfilled.
Years of research and study has revealed that purpose is what helps people live meaningful lives. Purpose provides individuals with higher levels of awareness for their surroundings, increases the chances of active participation and better mental health, motivates them to tap into their full potential and raise their engagement.
Purpose Driven is a mental platform that creates life-changing experiences and opportunities. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be purpose-driven, to live a fulfilling life that is purposefully guided by their unique passions, gifts and talents. When you are living a purpose-driven life, you can participate in creating solutions for problems, challenges and solutions that have yet been imagined. We all need better days ahead and by being purpose-driven, you will be able to create your future and better days for you, your family and the world.
Purpose is the driving force that inspires action in all directions that matters in life. Purpose is a personal and collective vision for a better future and the values and ideals that are used as the foundation for all decisions. There is an inherent recognition that we as individuals exist for a higher purpose than life on earth and that success is measured by what you have accomplished for others. Purpose reveals a sequence of steps to take to achieve our goals and realize our dreams. Purpose not only creates vision, but also the plan to get there.
Purpose from God is an important part of our lives. It is the motivation. Purpose reveals the truth about life's meaning, destiny and better days. Purpose Driven Future and Better Days. Purpose-driven exposes you to well organized and detailed information for growth and development as an individual. Purpose drives people to do what they do best and make the world a better place for all.
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Why people fail is because they are not purpose-driven. Purpose exposes you to a well organised and detailed information for growth and development as an individual. Purpose enhances the act of planning for the future making the world a better place for all. Living a life of impact.