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1 year ago

Everyone knows that there is a lot of criticism on the internet. I have decided to be different by making this place into an appreciation place. Here, I will appreciate other individuals, groups or any organization that I think deserves it. You might be wondering why I am doing this when there are so many places where you can read about the negative things. Well, I want to change that trend. I want to bring something different to the table. This platform has promoted good deeds and helpful.

The best way to improve other people's lives is to appreciate them. And that's what I intend to do here on this site. The only thing I will ask is for you to please use your imaginations and creativity when you post here and help me make here a better place.

Appreciation - People often appreciate others with the intention of subjecting such person under them. They present the case as if they are thankful but otherwise is the case. It best you appreciate people more than you expect because the more you give the more you get.

Appreciation is a virtue that God has placed in every human soul. It’s an effective instrument of God when used with the right attitude. Appreciation works out much better than the evil deed of contempt, hatred or resentment.

Despite the fact many people have a serious nature. They see things from a negative perspective and are always on the look out for things to complain about. So it’s not surprising that there’s so much resentment, hatred and contempt about.

Appreciation - The way we appreciate people is not always of what we think. The best thing to do is that we appreciate people more than we expect because the more we give the more we get. It is not a big deal to express appreciation to a person. Expressing it in an unusual way will be awesome but it depends on the creativity.

It is only with the proper appreciation that one can be able to love more and do more.

Appreciation is a basic ingredient of loving someone. This can be applied to any relationship whether in marriage, friendship, or even the relationship between individuals and their creator. When you appreciate your loved one, you then begin to care for them, you desire to treat them good, you yearn to give them good things and in essence care so much for them that they can say they are loved.

Appreciate. It is such a simple word with so much meaning in our busy lives. It's a small word that is easy to say, yet it means a lot to someone who does not receive many compliments. But the one thing you must know about appreciating people is that it should not be done for the person being appreciated but for the person doing the appreciating.

Appreciation is about giving people more than expected for them. When done purposely, you will get more than what you gave. People work for what you give them and appreciate more than you expect. We have been taught to appreciate nothing and in the process we have discouraged people from seeing the good things that comes their way, though it may not be from us but from other people who appreciate them.

We have come to a point where we do not appreciate people because we do not understand the importance of doing so. Appreciate everything, even when people don't rub your money and make some sense out of it.

Read books, get some ideas and start giving. If everyone gives and appreciate without expecting anything in return just like Christ did, the world will be a better place.

The essence of appreciation is to share every thing that comes your way and encourage other people to appreciate as well, then they will in turn give back what they can too. Do not be greedy and always keep this in mind that you should be appreciating and encouraging more than expecting and demanding because the more you give, the more you get.

Appreciation is the act of recognizing and expressing gratitude. It is an expression of appreciation conveyed by words or actions, a feeling of gratitude for kind treatment. The word is often used with the following words: for, to, toward and about. There are some people that appreciate your presence in their life but never express it because they are afraid to hurt you. It is best you appreciate people more than you expect because the more you give the more you get.

"Thank you" is a common way to show appreciation. Also, many cultures make use of nonverbal gestures to express appreciation which includes a wide smile, a bow (for example the Japanese "thank you" "arigatō"), and a handshake (common in Western cultures).

Therefore, appreciate someone today...



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1 year ago


When we appreciate people, it sort of boast them do so more. Am really impress about this site too

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1 year ago