Dreams of the Future!! Precognitive Dreams.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Dreams, Paranormal

Have you ever had a feeling you have seen something before it happened, done something you haven't done, seen information about the future. This maybe an illusion or is it some sort of paranormal activity. What does it mean to see the future through your dreams.

Well if you are like me and you want to know more on precognitive dreams, read on.

Dreams, imaginary worlds we dive into when we sleep, no one knows where he/she goes to when we sleep, some may call it "temporary death" or " a free trial to death" all this things may sound scary but they are not far from the truth.

No one truly knows what happens when you close your eyes and sleep, Some connect dreams to the soul wandering around, while some say it is brain activity.

Sometimes, Dreams can provide a lot of information on events that are likely to happen in the future, like seeing something you will do or someone you will meet without ever doing this things before. These have not been proven to be accurate but can we use them to predict things that have not happened yet.

When I was in Highschool I always had this sort of dreams, The most horrific dream was when I had a dream of a female teachers death in our school, In the dream I saw her eyes closed, she was holding her baby because she was pregnant at the time.

I was scared and I kept it to myself, seeing her walk through the halls daily with her bulging belly I didn't know what to do, I was just a teenager and I didn't know if what I dreamt was the future or just random. My conscience was heavy because I couldn't do anything about the situation, I didn't want to be a "Bad Guy" just imagine coming to her and telling her "I had a dream you died" she would have been horrified and maybe I would be the one to kill her because she would be shocked so I just kept to myself.

My Dream met my reality during the new term, the school got heartbreaking news, She died during delivery, at this point I was void of emotions I didn't even know what to do or who to talk to. I just felt this massive sense of disappointment in myself, I was no Psychic so I didn't take this dream seriously. It wasn't the first time I have had this sort of dream but It was the first time someone died due to my Cowardice.

Dreaming of Future events is known as Precognition, I later found out when I read an article on it. These are dreams that simply predict the future.

For a dream to be classified as precognitive it must:

It must show you exactly what would happen and people involved in the dream.

That was the problem in my dream, I never saw my teacher and her baby die in real life so where was I viewing from. The events that followed scared me the most.

A teacher in our school tells me the same thing I dreamt about and it was then I knew I had seen her death through his eyes in my dream.

Dreams of the Future: Abraham Lincoln

There is little scientific research that can backup this information because as we all know, Science can't interpret dreams or the soul, these are said to be spiritual bonds that can't be affected by physical beings.

To back up this dreams I will tell you another story, you might have heard of it for it is about a president. "Abraham Lincoln"

Abraham Lincoln claimed that he had dreamed of his death, friends and family said he had told them about his death.

Lincoln dreamed of people sobbing, and in this dream he went to investigate what had caused these people to sob. He steps forward and finds a corpse dressed for a funeral. Lincoln asks the figures in the dream what had happened, the answer shocks him as they tell him about the "Assassination of the President". Lincoln was frightened at this and so disturbed he had to tell others.

In this dream, he says he was not the one being buried but another president but some nights later the country received news of the Presidents Assassination.

Lincoln is said to have had other precognitive dreams but let's leave it there so this article stays short.

In my next article, I will continue what precognitive dreams are and what they truly mean.

Comment if you have had these same experience, I would love to read it.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Dreams, Paranormal


"Precognitive dream" is an exciting subject. I remember a few lines from Feynman's book. He mentioned controlling dreams. It would be so lovely if we could control our dreams. Maybe, I would dream of meeting Chaplin and discussing his undone movies. Or I would meet Einstein and chat about his life before inventing new physics.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yeep. Did and do .... That's why at times i am mighty glad when i cannot remember a dream upon waking up. Funny dreams id like to recall... Shivering dreams i don't want to recall

$ 0.01
2 years ago

lol, no one wants to recall shivering dreams

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awesome.You elaborate the term dream in standard word.dreams are very important.If you have a dreams in your life then you can get ultimately goals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well done. This was your first article and you got attention of rusty you are lucky bro.

Never sacred of dreams. But when you see a kind of negetive dream then you should pray for your best. Okay. Few days ago i saw acward dream but everyone suggested me to stay positive and prepare yourself for best

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just stay positive dont be like me lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah sure ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dejavu they might say. I believe that when we closed our eyes and fell asleep. Our minds travelling to the void of time and passing the multiverse where we are going to the future earth and we can see the future for a glimpse. I actually experience it alot of it

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I truly think the world is a reocurring system created to please God lol

Maybe we have all lived before, maybe i have written this line before🙈🙈

$ 0.00
2 years ago