The life that we will choose or not. Choose the right path (Re-Edit)

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So I spent my whole day finishing this, please enjoy reading.

In today's crowded culture, the choice to live and choose for life is a fundamentalist movement, which requires you to continue to make choices that support the mind, the courage, and every kind of development.

The tough stance to accept anything less than life by standing in the middle of your life, choosing to unite, as a conductor.

Relating to all parts opens up the possibility of creating a whole life and here It also opens up the possibility of a sense of harmony. Check out the glyph to create a full and orderly life in times of crisis - what I call the "wheel of harmony" - which outlines the areas of a woman's entire life.

Think of it as a different way of designing and designing your life. See circular shape. It mimics a compass and cultivates wholeness and consistency through its natural design - without you having to do anything about it.

Each of these lands is a special part of our lives. Just as a compass needs eight directions to be complete and complete, so we need to feel these parts complete and complete. Below is a description of each of the complete and coexistent lands. Some of them are familiar with the sound and some others. 

This is intentional. Study; Consider each state. Find out which ones are right for you right now, and which ones are clearly out of sight or need more attention.

Sacred Work and Career. Your work, your project, your business, your mission, your role and your guidance, care, motherhood and child care. Your career is the way you walk and step through your life. Your sacred function is the place where you create and create, and you choose to give your spirit. These are the goals you can fulfill through your gifts and existence.

Spiritual Skills and Connections. What you do to build a coherent and empathetic relationship with the larger universe in your daily life and to understand your part in it.

Creativity and self-expression. Methods - tangible and intangible - to express oneself, to be productive or profitable without the need for results. When you can get a financial stream from it, the deepest and most meaningful reward is your free and full expression, feeling your power to create, and the energy and connections you get from it.

 Relationship. A Relationship that you find, support and love unconditionally. They include life partners, soul and family friends, children and four fluffy legs. The only rule is to have love and respect for one another and to approach your heart safely.

Tribes, Friends, and Co-workers. Individuals (relatives, friends, and colleagues) that you feel connected to, as well as the groups and communities that you want to be a part of. Support their different interests and different expressions of their personality.

Health and Home. Your life force and your body's overall well-being. It includes your physical body, it encompasses your emotions, and the habitats you live in must be your sanctuary. It gives you the strength and stability to “create” and brighten your life.

The flow of Money and Wealth. A flow of money and resources that makes you feel safe in terms of content, achieves what you want, and takes care of yourself and your loved ones. This includes reserves to deal with blows and unforeseen circumstances and accept them whenever the opportunity arises. He lives a sustainable and sustainable lifestyle.

At the bottom - tribes, friends and allies. Physical health and home. And financial flow and wealth. Build your foundation. When these lands are strong and harmonious, you feel supported and attached to the physical plane.

It gives you the confidence, courage and space to expand your angst through your work, creativity and expression. When they are weak or out of balance, stay open to new possibilities, focus on your personal development, do things that "don't make money", don't give generously, add new projects or businesses or Organizations don't exist or great on your work and career.

In the middle - emotional health, happiness and loved ones (your closest relationships) - make up your heart line. 

While these fields are strong and harmonious, they also open your heart and have a consistent inner life.

As you accept love and acceptance from others and yourself you feel deeply supported and connected and you feel a sense of belonging. 

Depending on the strength of your self-esteem and self-worth.

This heart line can make you feel strong and resilient when other parts of your life are disturbed or tense. When they get out of balance, you feel tremors inside.

Above - Sacred Work and Career, Spiritual Skills and Connections, Creativity and Self-Expression - Develop your potential and expression, real expansion and growth. These fields mean what you are giving, sharing, and reporting to the world. This can include your job and what you get for money, but it covers a lot more. When they are strong and harmonious, you feel in the world, purposeful and aligned. You see your work or business in a broad way where it is part of your life's work - a channel to express yourself fully; have an effect; and receive energy exchange in the form of money, support, connections and recognition. You feel part of something bigger than yourself, fulfilled and connected on a soul level.

Have you ever heard or said, "I jog a lot! I reach a million directions! I just try to keep all the balls in the air!"? 

Whenever I hear a woman talk about how she ‘juggles’ to keep order in all parts of her life so that no one crashes, disappears or disappears.

I amaze her and say, No! Don't do that. Not the circus act. Look at the woman standing in the middle of the cycle of harmony, and you will see how easily you stand around the illusion that you should try to turn all the lands of your life like bullets. Or run around trying to move parts of everything like a turntable. If you approach your life this way, expect to be filled with anxiety and stress: if you stop, slow down or relax, all the plates and balls will fall!

Imagine the amount of mental energy running in this way. You can't maintain this level of concentration for days. Even the best jugglers never got more than 11 balls at a time. And the man with the world record has been trained for two years and can do it in just four hours. If your job is to juggle or run crazy so that no one crashes, you won't find peace or silence.

How did you do it? Keeping track of many moving parts creates the tedious task of keeping track of everyone and every part. It's like living your life in the everlasting flow from one case to another. Not supported. And that's not always the case.

Press the LIBERATE button

Here we press the LIBERATE button and you choose to be different in your life. Look again at the Harmony Wheel Woman as you do. Are you ready to abandon the roles of juggler, record spinner and multitasker?

To get rid of the responsibility that everything needs to be prevented from crashing by keeping it running? Are you ready to experiment to act as a conductor, balanced in the middle and focused on maintaining the unit? Why don't you like it? Nothing more than that. It's about doing things to others.

You don't need to know how to do it yet. Let's start with the following three principles of self-preservation-read them and then choose what you want to experiment with in your daily life by thinking, feeling, reacting, making choices, and changing your behavior. The first step is to note this-note that you haven't seen it yet.

Be relevant to all parts, but don't take responsibility for keeping them all running. Note that each state symbolizes a spiral shape. This is because a spiral in nature builds its momentum as it grows. As intelligent women, we build the land of our lives to thrive without all the energy that comes from us all the time. 

Do you see the boundaries between you and each state? It is considered a living relationship - not the navel.

The components have their own strength and mobility. Notice where you are creating a coherent variable versus mutual connection.

Your focus will be different; Do not play all at once. You cannot give the same power vitality for eight things at the same time. For one, you'll feel like a kofta on a medieval torture device (like when you multitask).

Two, if you, as a conductor, direct all sections of your symphony to play at the same tempo and sound level at the same time, you will not create unity; You will create a cruel cockroach and chaos. Your role is to choose when, at what speed and for how long to contact.

When you work as a multitasking machine, notice the difference, working as a multitasking machine, as opposed to a conductor focusing on one or two parts at a time, changing its focus over time.

Identify the inner strength - emotionally, mentally, energetically and physically - to stand in the middle of your life, grounded and balanced, with all the parts moving in harmony around you. 

If you are standing in the middle, balanced within, interacting with all parts but not with all components, your feminine knowledge will feel when something is not in front or needs attention.

This gives you the power to quickly remove imbalances, making it easier to restore order. For example, think of a relationship or a project where you think something is wrong, but you are focused on one area or you are moving so fast that you are missing subtle signs.

Instead of looking back, you ignored it. It gets stronger by the end, so you have to face it. Notice and understand the misunderstanding before it becomes an inconvenience to your body or your feelings; Drama on your relationships, your finances or at home; Or the loss of your job, your career and your personality. Your strength is here.

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