If the future holds its property

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Today, the level of craving for "property" expressed by many White Americans is a fundamental urge to feel that everyone is associated with a family, tribe, social group, or welcoming community system. It reflects. Because we are natural social beings, we are all born with natural impulses, connect and interact with other people on a regular basis. In fact, our most biological impetus, the desire to become pregnant, requires us to first be closely associated with the "other" in order to complete the place where we were born. I will. Without regular relationships, humanity as a species would not have existed.

The impulse that arrives reveals the darkest part of the human condition. Most of us (especially in Western cultures) still see ourselves as isolated individuals competing for increasingly difficult resources on a finite planet, so our best way to determine our own success is to see what others accomplish and accomplish. Watch and then we remember how good we are. . Measurement against others. We have been using the same decisions about ourselves and others for thousands of years to organize ourselves in society.

Whether we realize it or not, almost all of us assign various values (positive or negative) to external attributes, such as personal wealth, material possessions, birth rights, family lineages, land ownership, cultural origins. They have become experts at doing it. System of values and trust. National origins, etc., then we use these labels and value judgments to mentally construct a complex 3-D pyramidal human imagination in our own minds. Every time we meet a new one, we are deeply conditioned to place the new person within a mind map designed to define our own personal pyramid for determining human worth. It is not a disaster in modern human society; This is a key characteristic of how we are trained to think of other people most of the time.

Hunger itself belongs to the "internal" or "higher" groups. Obviously, most people are anxious to belong to a group of "their" or "higher" groups in the social class they think of. It makes us look at the living layers above us, the target of longing, longing, and envy. And with distrust, nonsense, and the eternal fear of falling into the undesired layer of lower status, we look at the filled layer of the struggling people under us.

This ability to analyze and classify everyone in the classroom, however subtle or unconscious in our minds, is something that we have learned from a very young age and from all the social systems that we see. This naturally leads us to label what we see in the hierarchical layer as "undesirable". And when it comes to who we want to be to our family, friends, associates or close associates, we "choose" and "refuse" to strengthen or even improve our own position within the social pyramid.

Ideally, we eliminate the smartest and easiest ways to advance ourselves in social hierarchy through relationships and factors with others. Perhaps by respecting our strengths and minimizing perceived weaknesses. We are not more attractive to frustrated people when it comes to deception, lies and harmony. But Or lost his right without feeling the guilt of society. And because we respect and imitate the values, beliefs, and practices of those who see more than we do in the organizational structure of society, we trust and reject these ideas and feelings. There is. I was downgraded.

Climbing the Ladder of the Social Hierarchy Put simply: when it comes to climbing the ladder of the social hierarchy and protecting ourselves from the long-term harm caused by living a life of struggle and despair, we practice the philosophy that ends, justified. Methods: Until we are caught and punished, it means that the morale that we used in the past to achieve our personal destiny is lower than what we used to have. As a result of the myriad practical "natural selection" choices that we have made over centuries to improve our individual positions within our various social hierarchies, our hierarchical systems have begun to produce unpleasant and painful unpredictable long-term results. These results have a devastating, destructive, and extremely unfortunate impact on society as a whole.

Classification begins with human suffering when they value selfishness and respect the comfort that life creates and / or actively exploit or oppress other people, instead. That they choose the desire to lend a helping hand and lovingly encourage and help each of us to succeed. The best in the world

Change from a rating system to a holler system. The best possible way to overcome the endless problems that arise from us, who want to acquire property in a life-rejecting rating system. A hierarchical system seems to involve a mass transition from a hierarchy. A holler system is a system for nesting small ones that is found in large parts. It is round like a circle or cage. This is not a pyramid structure.

Holarkiya does not depend on a mentally constructed system for defining human values, and it does not require us to label or judge others to determine their social status in relation to themselves. Rather, it creatively joins each of us in our colorful diversity as a vibrant, sensual, endless flow of creative energy, capable of constantly changing ourselves and our facial expressions. In a complex, fully connected volume of the field. In this social system, we rely less on direct exchange and more on indirect exchange, because we understand that every thought, emotion and action we manifest in all directions and produce indirect effects that we cannot see or Cannot start measuring.

Everything is inside us is 100,000,000,000,000 unique living cells - many of which are not even human! Working together with the forces to create and maintain the amazing shape of life, of course eight billion of us can imitate the image of life and create a greater, greater love and more of human social design. Are Integrations can create collaborations that respect a lifestyle that reflects everything.

By considering our conditional urge for the "betterment" of others and voluntarily surrendering, calling everyone to goodness, we can apply the best work that each of us has to offer in service. In all of humanity - and, more broadly, in the service of life itself.

Once we begin to practice within ourselves and within ourselves a more confident, open, brave, compassionate, gentle, patient, patient and calm approach, who knows what society will achieve in the future?

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