We some time try to explain what we don't just pretend,
Remember if you speak a one lie you need one thousand lie to protect that one, and every 1 in that thousand need another one thousand.
Control you tongue and thought you may stay safe.....
We some time try to explain what we don't just pretend,
Remember if you speak a one lie you need one thousand lie to protect that one, and every 1 in that thousand need another one thousand.
Control you tongue and thought you may stay safe.....
Thats right sometimes you need to stay quiet for someones sake btw thanks:)
Thanks a lot
You are absolutely right about this, we all should always try to control your tongue at all times.
Agreed keep post like this I am in your site
It is foolish to talk about things you do not know
Exactly dear
yup...or we should ask and learn about what we don't know, until we really understand
I agreed with you sir
yes ...I agree with you.I dont talk lies.Better tell the true.I dont like that someone lies to me.I hate this.I can convey the whole truth even though it is uncomfortable.So better be honest person.
And you will be end as liar