Future of tommorow ,lust today.

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Written by
2 years ago

I honestly don't know where to start this article from because what I'm about to talk about, is quite sensitive to me,and many others . But,we still have to start from somewhere.

I see alot of provoking images resurfacing in my head from stories heard and things I can bear witness to. And I felt I should pour it out here.

Future Leaders

What is this troubling issue? I will call it my head topic again . Future of tommorow, lust today. Our children who are the future of tommorow,are lust. Lust I mean their obsession and inquisitive nature to want to do immoral acts . Immoral acts like under age smoking, drinking ,sex and many more.

It's heartbreaking each time I see or hear things as such. Imagine a parent working hard all day to secure a bright future for the child/ward... only to get a call from the school authority that your 12 years old son was caught smoking in the school toilet . Or getting a call from your own mom(grandma to your child) that 14 years old Alicia was caught sending her nudes to a fellow classmate on Alicia's phone which was gifted recently. Not to talk of the recent Nigeria news on a 15 year old boy who is sent by some agent to kidnap fellow children to earn five thousand naira. Or a man who lures a 3 years old girl to suck his penis ,or, the other case of a man who forces himself on a girl who could barely pronounce ma_ma . Oh, less I forget , what of the 6 year old boy whose aunt made him lick her Virgina, and she pulls his penis. All these and more preposterous activities this lad face everyday , silently ,till anytime anyone finds out and clamor for help. Some of them are already far into the immoral act that they don't feel rumors at all. And some will feel regret and apologize but when you look away they repeat .only few get redeemed but with a stigma.

Now the million dollar question is How? why? When ?who?did this all started from. Hence , if we start to dig out facts and proves about this issue ,we will all agree that every factor have a fault.

With no reasonable doubt, all fingers will point at the parent particularly,the mother of the child in question. Which is sometimes true. Because some parents over pamper and over look things. They even think their children are saints that cannot commit any crime. But practically,a child's mind is like a container, you fill it with all that the child needs to know. But then ,can a parent be with her child 24/7? What if she is a single mom working hard to sustain her child ?will she leave her job to monitor every step or place her child goes?. remember a crime could have been learnt from any place . what if the bad habit was learnt from school? Or I forgot to mention that a church can also be an agent .you know when kids gather to play or in a supposednchurch activity,they could pick up something bad too.

Some schools now lack discipline for their student.its one thing to discipline a child and it's another thing to be mean to a child. Teaching a child about academics should also contain some level of moral training and discipline. But because of the fear of parent's wrath when their kids come home report the way a teacher discipline them in their own children narration format. An boom! Parent match to school tomorrow because they pay heavy fee so why should any one scold their kids. Also , the I don't care nature of some teachers they just want to teach all that's in the syllabus and leave .

Truth is , if we are to dig out , this article might take forever . So we will fast forward to what can be done to MINIMIZE and SANITIZE the rate of this pollution of the little minds . I mean if they are caged to this lustful thought how will they focus and become leaders?

The parent still have a huge role, I think as early as a child starts talking the parents should make them understand that it's not cool to touch their private parts.

And be more open minded as a parent not every little mistake you tell and punish your ward...a moderation of everything and the rest is in God's hands to guide them from the destroyers of children .

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Written by
2 years ago


It's painful hearing about all this news, the world is fast changing for bad and our parent has a lot of work to do concerning their little children coming up.

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2 years ago