Food for thought
Food is survival. We all need food to sustain us.
Practically,we eat different meals from different crops , fruits and so on. We consume so it can give us energy and all nutritional value.
For some of us ,we don't really care if it totally healthy we just crave it. Imagine eating suya (roasted meat)and chill mineral (soda) won't want to mention the names of the drinks we both know are not so healthy. But we choose not to care.
Oops hope your lips and tongue aren't meeting? There's no food here o. Let's get back to the chat.
The idea is the food we feed our thought. And what's the food we feed our thought? Our idea ,the environmental factors,the family and so on.
Well this could be a positive food or a negative food and this can influence our decision and our mentality about something.
Consequently, this can destroy or make one . Thousands of people sleep every day sad . Thinking or believing they can't do things they love doing . They are not working towards their aspirations. Because they have eliminated the
I remember the story of a girl ,who always wanted to be an actress,but due to the vices and beliefs of people about this profession ,she was unable to actualize her dream profession.
Her mom was against it she wanted her daughter to be an accountant. Which is not bad.
But the question is ,how many people become or study exactly what they want? What is the joy in changing a dream profession.
Although some gets lucky and love the supposed changed profession .true,but the question is ,did they really know what they wanted before.
Others change because they have no choice .
Away from education or profession,some people in their own thoughts don't want to get married. They'd rather be in a missionary. But because the family won't want to stop the legacy they will pressurize the supposed person to do otherwise.
It's really important to understand what is good for you. Feed yourself with positivity and always give it a try. And when you do and things don't go as planned,at least you know you tried. Better than not trying at all
There is no easy way to anything big or great .
Always be a good observer to all the activities you do then no the one that comes first. Because at the end you alone will answer for your losses . Just as said you are the architect of your life.
All these motivational chat I heard from a man who stood by the side of the road with a microphone he was even mistaken for a mad fellow... Because of his choice of fashion...but on the other flip one can't tell if that is the only option of clothes he had. With old suitcase and all ,one can say he was a professor or something like that
Well even if he was insane there is sanity in all he said . For him to dedicate such time and effort to educate people on matters as such under the scorching sun, he deserves an accolade.
Not me in the heavy traffic earlier due to the season. So annoying I thought ,I mean seeing others go out to celebrate and I was just hurrying to beat the call time for my shift. But how could I complain,I choose to work one has to keep body and soul.