Vitamin D ..

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2 years ago
Topics: Health

∑ new information about vitamin D.- ~~~~~~~~~ The phenomenon of vitamin D deficiency, which is found in a few foods, is considered direct exposure to sunlight and not from behind glass is the primary source of supply to the body and the cause of vitamin deficiency is due to the lifestyle that many have To sit in closed offices throughout the day. ⁇ 全 全 & results showed that the benefit of the body from vitamin D-3, which is available from animal sources such as eggs and fish, is more than twice that of vitamin D-2, which is available from plant sources such as mushrooms. ⁇ 全 and body vitamin D needs to absorb the calcium needed for bone and dental growth and maintenance. Vitamin D deficiency threatens serious health problems, the most important of which are bone fractures, heart disease and cancer. ⁇ 全 and it was believed that there is no difference in the body's use of two types of vitamin D, but according to the results of the new study the body benefits from the type of vitamin D-3 that comes from animal sources better compared to vitamin D-2 that comes from plant sources.

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