আমরা জানি, leg region হচ্ছে knee to ankle পর্যন্ত।এর আবার ৩টা compartments-Anterior, Lateral & Posterior.এই posterior compartment বা back of leg সম্পর্কে আজকে আমরা জানব,😊।
⏩posterior compartment এর superficial fascia এর contents হলো small & great saphenous veins,their tributaries & several cutaneous nerves.
⏩Depp fascia -এখানে থাকে muscles, nerves,vessels etc.
⏩Posterior compartment এর boundary -
📌Anteriorly:Posterior surfaces of
. 🔖Tibia
🔖Interosseous membrane
. 🔖Posterior intermuscular septum
📌Posteriorly:Deep fasia of the leg
এই posterior compartment টা আবার একটা transverse fascial septum দিয়ে subdivided-
1.Superficial posterior compartment
2.Deep posterior compartment
1⃣superficial compartment এ থাকে ৩টি muscle
- 1.Gastrocnemius
📍Muscle গুলার origin,insertion,action important.যেগুলো figure এ দেওয়া হয়েছে🌺।
🔖Gastrocnemius এর ২টা হেড unite হয় middle of back of the leg & formed a broad aponeurosis.এই aponeurosis টা combined করে with the tendon of soleus & formed tendo-calcaneus. Tendo-calcaneus হচ্ছে মানবদেহের strongest & longest tendon.এই te ndo-calcaneus insert করে middle 1/3rd of the posterior surface of the calcaneum(bones of foot).
2⃣Deep compartment এ থাকে 4 টি muscle-
2.Flexor digitorum longus
3.Flexor hallucis longus
4.Tibialis posterior
📍 Origin,insertion,action -see figures🌺
📌 superficial & deep উভয় muscle গুলার nerve supply দেয় tibial nerve.(root-S1,S2)
📍politeus ছাড়া সব musle ই plantar flexion এ help করে এবং running,jumping, walking এ হেল্প করে।তবে main plantar flexor হচ্ছে Gastrocnemius &Soleus.
Posterior tibial artery-Branch of popliteal artey & popliteal artery is the continuation of femoral artery.আরেকটা হচ্ছে peroneal artery যেটা posterior tibial artery এর largest branch.
⏩এবার আমরা popliteal fossa সম্পর্কে জানব।
-it is a diamond shaped depression at the back of knee joint.🌺
🔖Superolaterally-The biceps femoris
🔖Superomedially-The semitendinosus & semi membranosus
🔖Inferolaterally-Lateral head of Gastrocnemius
🔖Inferomedially-Medial head of the Gastrocnemius.
🔖Roof-Deep fascia or popliteal fascia
a.popliteal surface of femur
. b.capsule of knee joint & oblique popliteal ligament.
c.popliteal fascia covering popliteus muscle
📌Contents :
✅Popliteal artery & its branches
✅Popliteal vein & its tributaries
✅Tibial nerve & its branches
✅Common peroneal nerve & its branches
✅Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
✅Genicular branch of obturator nerve
. ✅Popliteal lymph nodes
⏩Nerve :Tibial nerve
-branch of sciatic nerve.sciatic nerve আবার sacral plexus থেকে arise করে।যার root value L4,5,S1,2,3 spinal nerves.এদের ventral rami এর আবার দুইটা division থাকে।
-ventral division যা,Tibial nerve নামে পরিচিত
-Dorsal division যা,Common peroneal nerve নামে পরিচিত।
📍Common peroneal nerve, neck of the fibula কে round করে রাখে।আর এটা commonly injured area.আর common peroneal nerve এর injury হলে ' Foot Drop 'হয়।অর্থাৎ Foot তখন fixed হয়ে যায় plantar flexion position এ।
🔖Popliteal artery-continuation of femoral artery. এবং popliteus এর lower border এ গিয়ে anterior & posterior tibial arteries এ ভাগ হয়।
* lower limb এর blood pressure record করা হয় Popliteal artery থেকে।
🔖Popliteal vein-continues as femoral vein
⏩Anastomosis around the knee joint:
1⃣The descending genicular artery
2⃣The superior medial genicular artery &
3⃣Inferior medial genicular artery
1⃣Descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery
2⃣Superior lateral genicular artery
3⃣Inferior lateral genicular artery
4⃣Anterior tibial recurrent artery
5⃣Posterior tibial recurrent artery
6⃣Circumflex fibular artery