THINK before you DATE

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1 year ago

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Falling in love is the most delightful experience. In fact it is the only kind of falling that we ever enjoy. But as such times we are not always responsible for our actions. That is why it is so important to think before you date. Many people think there are in love with someone, when in reality there are only in love with life. There are certain kinds of individuals that a wise young person will avoid becoming involved with. They are not suitable as life partners. Here are some of the more obvious types of individuals that one should avoid

Don’t date or marry this person

A changeable person. There are unstable to make up their own minds. They are likely to prove unfaithful in years to come.their instability arises from some deep neurosis

—A selfish person. One who is domineering and must always have his own way, such people are not well balanced. They do not settle down to married life very well

__ A dishonest person. Even in the smallest things one should be strictly on the level of truth. There is nothing but trouble with a person who is basically dishonest

__A jealous person. Someone who is jealous is in love with themselves. They are always insecure and unhappy towards others.

Young people need to remember that marriage never changes a persons character. Too many girls have married alcoholics in the hope of reforming them and many men boys have married girls thinking there’ll stop hookups. Marriage never reforms anyone. If you’re planning to get married be sure it is a sensible partnership. Both of you need to be mature. you need to have common interests and similar goals in life. No marriage can be successful if one is pulling in one direction and the other in another direction. It is wiser if you both have the same religious principles and ideals. You should be equally intelligent and willing to adjust to each other’s needs and desires.

Choosing a mate

choosing a mate is one of the most important things that you will ever do in life. It is well to ask yourself few questions.

  • Are your backgrounds similar? If not, you had better seriously reconsider. Your chances of happiness will be slim indeed

  • Are you both on friendly terms with your own parents? How well do you know the other persons parents? Have you met them in their own home and seen how they live? This might reveal how you will be expected to live

  • Are you really proud of this person whom you are now thinking of marrying? Or are you a little ashamed, especially when in company of your friends? Such marriages are not likely to last

  • is this person a jealous individual? If so, beware. Such a person can be jealous of his/her own children. He/ she can make life miserable for everyone

  • Do you both hold the same religious faith? If not, you are asking for trouble. One may change his religion just prior to marriage, but this does not change his character. Millions of unhappy people will agree that religious differences run far deeper than they had suspected.

  • Are you both emotionally mature! . If you want to marry select someone who is mature and well balanced on whom you can rely on.

True happiness can come only from within. Happiness doesn’t come from external things.people who are well adjusted can do much to help each other. They will be willing to sacrifice for the good of the home.. they are unselfish and willing to go more than half way to bring happiness to each other. They will not make unreasonable quarrels.

while people who are poorly adjusted often irritates each other. They seem unable to bring themselves to help each other people, especially those within their own family circle. They are continually thinking of themselves and their own wants and needs..

Before you go out on that date, think carefully of the possible consequences, is this the kind of person with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with? If not, then use good judgements and avoid the risk. But if you are happy and we’ll matched and if you are both well adjusted and willing to do more than you share , then go ahead with your plans for the future.

Nothing is more satisfying than a happy marriage. On the other hand, nothing is more frustrating than living in an unhappy home. To make a happy marriage it takes two people who are as nearly alike as possible, and who see eye to eye in all the important things. As a young or single person the choice is yours, for happiness or otherwise. It’s all depends on you, so, whatever you do else, THINK BEFORE YOU DATE.

Going out on a date is often the first step towards marriage.

Do you agree or disagree?,please share your reasons and thoughts in the comment section.

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1 year ago
