The truth.
Hey!!, you made a mistake? but that mistake does not define you. Christ sanctified himself on the cross so that you could run to God when you make mistakes, not run from him!. In Isaiah, it says once you ask for forgiveness, God forgets your sin and past and he doesn’t look at you that way. All he sees is the sacrifice that was made for you! So go to God, talk to him, repent in your heart not just in your minds and know that mercy is waiting for you.
Don’t hold God in the standards of men, Christ was tempted too even though he did not sin but because he knows the feeling, so Jesus is able to sympathize with us Cause he was once in our shoes. No one in the Bible was perfect except Jesus Christ, you’re still worthy, valued and loved in the eyes of God. Let me tell you now!! I have made mistakes even recently but I didn’t let my mistake define me!!. so pray for the holt spirit to convict you and pray for self control, pray for self discipline and pray for guidance. We are incapable to fight sin, so we need the Holy Spirit .
Do what you are called to do, Not everyone will understand, not everyone will approve, not everyone will applaud you, not everyone will celebrate, not everyone will support you, not everyone will stay and not everyone will encourage you. Do what you are called to do as a child of God.
Don’t get sucked into the pattens of this world or the seductions of the worlds culture, stay true to Jesus in words, deeds, actions,interactions. stay true to Jesus online, offline, stay true to Jesus in your mind, heart , your time, with your talent, with your treasures, stay true to him always.
The truth is jesus loves us so dearly, so give him the same love by loving him in return. Make him part of your daily routine, allow him lead you right and guide you perfectly.