The Power of Now: Book Review

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The Power of Now is one of the most popular and famous self help guides in the world. The book is written by Eckhart Tolly. This book will help you find your true self as well as use every moment of your life in the right way.

"The Power of Now" simply means "the power of the present" . Understanding the value of every moment in the present and being able to use it is the key to future happiness and success.

When we can truly live in the present without falling into the past or the future, we can do our own thing better. As a result, our life will be peaceful and successful. We will be able to meet our goals in a more beautiful way.

From Power of Now's book review you can learn to be aware at all times, peace of mind and how to make the most of the present.

Author Eckhart Tolly writes at the beginning of the book how he came up with this idea. Like many, he suffered from instability and depression at a young age.  He even thought of committing suicide several times.

When he was 29, he found something that changed his whole life. But it took him a few more years to understand the whole thing. And in The Power of Now, he describes step-by-step his life-changing discovery so that others can benefit from it.

Let's find out from The Power of Now's book review what he actually found. If you know the issues, you can also use them as needed.

The Power of Now: Book Review

01. Your mind does not control you:

Most people's ideas control their minds. When the mind feels what it is, so do our reactions. When we are upset, our speech and behavior are not good. The mind does not sit at work. Frankly, nothing goes well.

But if we are really strong people, our minds will not be able to control us. Rather we can control our mood or state of mind.   Most people don't really try to control their mood. Lets continue as it is.

Believe in one thing first to control the mind instead of being controlled by the mind. You have to firmly believe that your mind does not control you. Instead, you are actually the driver of your mind. Wherever you want to take the mind - it will go. If a negative thought makes you feel bad, think of something positive. You have to insist at first but not later.

If you are upset for a bad situation in the present, do not think about the past mistakes or the current bad situation.  Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis to change the situation .

This kind of positive thinking does not allow the brain to sit idle. He began to look for ways to change the situation. And one of these ways works. Even if it doesn't work, new ways come out of it. Frankly, this kind of thinking will not let you sit idly by. Instead it will encourage you to find solutions to problems.

The human mind is his most powerful weapon, if used properly.  It can be compared to a huge car. A powerful moving vehicle, in whose driving seat you are sitting.  You can easily control it and go to your desired destination. Put your hand on the steering wheel and tell him where to go.

But if you let it go on its own without controlling it, it will put you in big danger instead of making you successful. If you focus on entertainment instead of focusing on work at work - can you be successful?

Instead of letting the mind do what it wants to do, focus on what needs to be done. It is a matter of long practice. But once it is mastered, you can make the impossible possible. Instead of being a slave to the will of the mind, make the mind a slave to the will.

02. Come out of outside influence

Man's past greatly affects his life. Based on our past experience we decide exactly how we are as human beings. Maybe one's SSC result was not good, depending on him he considered himself a bad student. As a result, he did not try to read well in Intermediate. As a result, his result was bad again.

According to the author, these have to come out of external influences. Our past can never be our present. How I am now - that's the real thing. Failing earlier means you still fail - it's a completely wrong idea. From now on, if you try the right way, use the present time in the right way - then it is very possible for you to be successful.

Instead of being controlled by thoughts, we have to control the mind with new thoughts. Who said what in the past, what happened to you - these things should not affect your present.

If you thought you were lazy until yesterday, start thinking today that you are hardworking. Say “I work hard” over and over again. One day you will see that you are really working hard by overcoming laziness . The author calls it "enlightenment" to come out of the trap of previous thoughts through new thoughts. It turns a person into a new person.  A coward will become brave, a lazy man will become industrious, a bad man will become good if he can come out of the influence of outside thoughts . It's so powerful.

Ask yourself, what do you really want in life? What kind of people want to live? What kind of person do you want others to talk to you after death?

Find out the answers to these questions from within yourself. Then who said what, what did you do till yesterday - forget all this. Use every moment from this moment to fulfill your desire.

Sincerely believe that you will do your past and others will not comment on how you decide. What you are doing today, what kind of person you are presenting yourself - that will really show you.

03. Take the puzzle of time and power off

The power of Now Book Review

According to the author, clock time, like many other things, is actually a man-made concept. This idea was created to work neatly. As well as to get a clear idea of ​​the past and the future. But Tolly said the real time is actually present. This is the most important thing in human life. This is the only 'time' we can use.

But most people get stuck in the maze of time. They either think about the past, or they think about the future. And through this we waste our most precious thing, that is, the present moment. According to the author, in order to value real time , one has to feel every moment of the present - and forget everything and make use of this moment.  The present will be wasted if trapped in the past or future . People will think of the past and the future. Sometimes you need to think about them. But it is in no way superfluous.

How to use Power of Now?

In his book, author Eckhart Tolly expresses his philosophy of making the present and the future beautiful and happy by harnessing the power of the present. In addition to highlighting the philosophies, he also mentioned some ways to put them into practice. Let's take a brief look at them.

Get rid of clutter:

This issue has been discussed before. I have already said how the thoughts of our minds do not allow us to use the present in the right way. The author mentions several ways to get rid of the grip of the mind.

If the state of mind is not good, ask yourself: "What is really going on in my mind now?", "Am I at peace right now?" - If not, why not? ”


* Try to understand very carefully why the mind is not good. Also, think carefully that you and your mind are different. You can control the state of mind if you want.

* Try to understand what kind of emotion you are feeling at the moment. Anger, sadness, frustration - whatever the negative emotions - try to understand them well. Also, remember that as your thoughts change, so do your emotions.

* After understanding the emotion, try to understand whether there is any kind of past experience or fear about the future behind this emotion.

Once you understand the above, first stop what you are doing at the moment.   If you are sitting, start walking. If you are in a state of walking, sit down and read. Then think of something completely new. Think of something better. Think about what you can do best at the moment - and start doing it. Try to get out of the trap of the mind in this way. You can come out just in time. You may not be able to at first, but if you try, you will get the point.

Keep the main focus at all times:

The author's advice is to keep the main focus on the present, whenever you see yourself thinking more about the past or the future - then you have to get out of that thought. We have to focus on the current hand work. If you do nothing, think about what you can do now that will improve your situation. Start doing that.  You can start reading a book about your interests. The book has an extraordinary ability to turn people's thoughts.

Being able to keep your focus in the present moment is a great skill. It must be among the successful and happy people. And it is possible to achieve it by trying. Whenever you find yourself lost in thoughts of the past or the future, and it has a bad effect on your mind - try to focus on something good in the present. By trying this way, the matter will come under your control at some point. Go and see for yourself, you can turn your thoughts around if you want. As a result, your mood is getting worse and worse. And you can use every moment of the present.

Practice meditation and spirituality:

There is no substitute for meditation, spirituality and prayer for true peace of mind. Regular meditation and prayer creates a different kind of peace in the human mind. The author says that by practicing these you will create a connection with your inner being and creator. It will make you happy from the inside out. The ugliness of the past or the fear of the future will not disturb you. You will be able to spend every moment of the present with complete peace and stability. He has given many detailed explanations in this regard in the book. We will not go into those complex explanations. All I can say is that regular prayer and meditation has a positive effect on the life of any person. And to implement the philosophy of Power of Now, you can start practicing them regularly.


Initially, the ideas in The Power of Now may seem unrealistic or impossible to many. To many, these are ridiculous. However, in order to properly understand the contents of this book, it is necessary to practice it in real life - this has been emphasized in various forums and reviews. We hope you enjoy the insights and philosophies of The Power of Now. We hope that these will make your life more beautiful.

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