7 ways to increase memory and learn faster

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3 years ago

Everyone can use the way to increase memory. Also, if the ability to learn anything quickly can be strengthened - then there is no point. One of the reasons that human civilization has surpassed all others is the power of the human brain. Sharp memory, quick thinking and decision making ability, fast learning of any new skill - can take any person a long way.

The strength or beauty of a normal human body starts to decrease after a certain age, and at some point it decreases completely. But the power of the brain is much more lasting than the physical power, and much more can be achieved by using this power.

In fact, the most important thing for the success of human life is to use the brain properly. Being able to remember and bend your head in times of need may be the greatest tool for your success.

And to make this tool more powerful, today we will tell you 6 ways to increase memory and increase brain power. Practicing these will strengthen your memory and thinking ability day by day.

Ways to improve memory and learn faster

01. The Tharp Memory Workout

Toyla Tharp, a well-known choreographer in New York, USA, invented this special method to enhance memory.

After training, he would not take any notes when watching the first performances of his performers. People make mistakes in the first performance after training on any subject. The trainer usually writes down those mistakes, and then discusses them. Tharp did not write the first 12 to 14 mistakes. He tried to remember these.

In her book The Creative Habit, Toyla Tharp writes that most people usually can't remember without writing more than two to three mistakes. - But if you practice like this day after day, the amount of memory increases at a time.

Trying to remember something without writing, and discussing them later, can be a great help in improving memory and brain performance.

Now you may ask, not everyone is a choreographer who will train people to remember their mistakes.

You do not have to be a choreographer or trainer to practice this. Read a book and try to remember its lines, try to remember the things around the road you walk every day - this is how you can practice this.

If you can remember 3 to 5 things at first, the amount of these memories will gradually increase. And with this practice, you will be able to remember anything very quickly.

02. Do something new over and over again

Neurons in the brain are strengthened by repeating a thing. Whenever you learn or learn something new - a new neural pathway is created in the brain. And when it is practiced again and again - it becomes much stronger. People do not forget it easily.

The famous English proverb “practice makes one perfect” actually comes from this idea. If you want to be perfect in something, you have to practice it again and again. If you want to remember something, you have to think about it again and again, you have to try to remember.

You can also use this method to build other good habits. Suppose you are lazy in everything. Do not start work before the time is up. Now if you start practicing doing a task at the right time of the day - then your brain will start getting used to doing the task at the right time. There is no need to practice all the work at once. Practice doing just like a work time. You see, the brain is urging you to do other things on time.

03. Learn something new every day

This is a very effective way to increase memory. The more you use the brain for a task - the stronger it will be. And learning something new every day is a great way to increase your ability to remember.

You can learn a new word for it every day.   It can be a new word in Bengali, or English or any other language. Learn the meaning of a new word from the dictionary or the internet every morning. You can write it down if you want. Whenever you have time during the day - try to remember that. Take a look if necessary. Also try to remember the words you learned earlier. This will make your brain stronger as well as increase your language skills.

Interestingly, learning a new language or word also improves the thinking patterns of the brain . The brain actually judges everything based on its knowledge. As any kind of knowledge increases, so does his ability to think. Therefore, learning something new every day means increasing the overall capacity of the brain.

04. Practice math

Practicing math only increases the ability to do calculations - not so much. It is also a great way to improve memory and brain power. And you don't even have to practice very complex maths for this. Even if you practice small arithmetic or algebra regularly in your spare time, it is a great exercise for the brain. If you want, you can also download this type of app. You will also find such math and logical games on various websites. These will clear your thinking, and increase your overall intelligence.

05. Exercise and exercise

Exercise and exercise alone do not increase the fitness of the body. It also plays a great role in improving the fitness of the brain.

Even exercising for 20 minutes a day greatly increases the brain's ability to process information and retain memory.  According to researchers, regular exercise builds up neural pathways in the brain much faster.  The speed of communication between different parts of the brain increases.

Exercising for just half an hour a day will greatly increase your ability to remember and think. Your ability to concentrate will also increase, and emotional turmoil will decrease. Once you practice it for a while, you will realize that you can think much faster than before, and remember new things much easier, and the focus on reading and work is increasing.

And you don't have to go to the gym or go out to do this exercise. If you jump from place to place for a while every day at home, give a little bookdown, move your hands and feet a little - then you will see that a lot of work is being done

07. Stay cheerful

Laughter is the cure for all diseases. But not many people say that smiling will increase your overall intelligence and ability to think.

Try to spend time after work with people close to you. Spend more time with people you like and feel happy with. When the mind is good, the thoughts are clear, the brain is relaxed. It is very important for the brain to function properly.

Spending time with close people as well as going for walks when you have time, reading books, having some fun - etc. keep the mind light as well as keep the brain strong.

No matter how intelligent you are, if you can't keep your mind light - you can't use that intelligence properly. It has been found that students who are more tense before the exam - they can't remember anything during the exam. On the other hand, those who are in a light mood, their test is good. This is because memory and intelligence work better when you are in a good mood. Those who are always smiling and keep a cool head can learn any subject quickly, and think of quick solutions to problems.

07. Keep eating habits right

Glucose is one of the main sources of energy in the brain. Sweet foods contain a good amount of this ingredient. Many experts recommend eating moderate amounts of chocolate every day. Dopamine is produced in the brain while eating chocolate. Dopamine speeds up the process of remembering.

Try to eat more fish and vegetables outside of sweet foods. These foods are more beneficial to the brain than meat.

Last word:

The current availability of information has weakened our brains. The brain knows that even if it can't remember any information, you can easily find it by searching the internet. Or you can store on mobile device. So, he doesn't need to remember. Again, the solution to any problem can only be found through the internet - it is ingrained in our subconscious mind. That's why the brain doesn't want to do much to solve the problem.

But because of this habit our qualifications as human beings are declining. No matter how much technology advances, no matter how much the Internet helps us, if you as a human being have a good memory and thinking ability - it will be easy to succeed anywhere.

And in that way, if this writing helps you a little - then our purpose is successful.

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Written by
3 years ago
