I don't know, I had to hit plank on his head (fiction)

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2 years ago

My favourite life, is loving in a lonely place filled with flowers and eating junks, I had to always carry my favourite mp3 to always play my favourite game, my life is so sweet that I had to place it into three places

Another part of my life that I love is when I had fight with annoying people that comes my way, I love beating bullies especially, however I find joy in fighting because I do watch action movies alone and train after fighting, which I enjoyed doing it lonely, imaging me hitting stick with stick, the stick is my sword and the stick serves as my opponent I had to hit the stick all days so I can learn how to fight

Another sweet part of, is the lazy aspect I don't usually work at home but can always give work to people to do for me, my laziness is beyond imaginations

  1. I can't watch my cloth by myself

  2. I can't keep up tidings by myself

  3. I can watch plate alone without ginger

  4. I can walk a long distance

  5. But I can laugh and fight bullies, that why am special ✊

  6. I can't cook, actually I can do, cool indomie, make bread and egg, make pap, make many eazy food, But for the difficult part I can't.

Due to this situation so I love the fighting part of my life.....

It was a sunny day I was coming from my teachers office, then I saw this sparkling new lady, I guess she is a new student, I was so happy because she was going to be my classmates, then I move close to her since she is a girl and I am a girl, so we can move together, then once I stood close to her, some bullies as usual just come from the back and hit my nose in front of the crowd and in front of the girl

Wow what a bad day for bully hunter??? And that was me!!!! I can't fight back because of the new girl in my front, I just have to hold the pain and let the moment pass away, but meanwhile I already stored the girls face ok my head, so I cannot do anything in front of that girl, so I vow to revenge another day

Eventually this girl like me, and I like we back, then we move on as usual, we do things in common, things like

  1. Buy ice cream together and also eat some delicious us food together

  2. We sleep in the same room sometimes if her mum allow me.

On this day as both of us are going this same guy came in front of us and asked me for a fight, then I was like !!!! Why, what have I done to deserve this in front of my new friends, then she quitely said this to me hear 'i know u can do dis, I have a lot of you, u are really a good fighter' I was so happy that she knew I can fight, so suddenly a vibe, ginger overwhelm me and I was eager for this then the fight started.....

A large range of shout, doors opening, birds were singing, bells jingling, I can only hear this before I mew what happen I saw blood on my hand, how come 'i don't know, I only hit him in his head'

Suddenly ambulance came and carried this bully away, to the hospital, then I felt down and started crying, what have I done, then my friend stood up to me and said she loves what I did that, it will only help them to prevent further bullies in the school, afterall if not for me she might have been knocked down.....

Suddenly police came inside and handcuff my hand, I didn't know what to do but I said I am coming back, I shout very loud and clear saying am coming back to y'all'''''''''''''''''''

Fighting is a good thing, and bullying is not a good thing let us stop the habit for the very best of the future and in order to prevent injuries......

Remember this is a fiction!!!!!!!!

Love u guys goodnight here

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Written by
2 years ago
