The Market Place

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Avatar for Nehamaya
1 year ago

It was a very hot Saturday afternoon, haven concluding the day's work: house chores, laundry and cooking, I decided to restock my kitchen.

You all know what a marketplace is right? A place where buying and selling of goods and services take place in exchange for money.

On getting to the market, I had to fix my headphone to avoid getting deaf. The market was too crowded that I had to enter a particular store to check the list I made.

Sitting down, I looked around, I saw different categories of individuals buying and selling, some tall while others short, some fair while others dark, some fat while others slim, they were all engaged in what brought them there in the first place.

Suddenly, my eyes went straight to a particular young lady that stood transfixed, so unsure of what to buy, I could see her pricing a lot of things and ended up buying nothing.  She went home with nothing, just the money with her.

After scanning through the list I made, I bought all that I needed and headed home.

Haven't read this friends

The marketplace represents this Earth

Yes! the Earth is a marketplace that accommodates different species of people having different purposes.

Some persons have discovered their purpose and they are going about fulfilling it. While some people are just so confused, leaving purposelessly and in the end, fail to fulfil why they existed in the first place.


I want to ask you a question

Yes! I mean YOU reading this

Have you met with purpose?

Have you discovered the reason for your existence?

Or are you like that lady in our story that stood confused, not knowing to want to buy? She stood confused because she hasn't discovered why she came to the market.

You need to get understand that every one of us has a different purpose to fulfil.

You have a purpose peculiar to you alone

No one is created to function the same way as you

No one is created with the same purpose as yours; meaning that everyone has his or her part to play.

It would be a waste of resources, time and effort to end up not discovering and fulfilling your mandate on Earth.

I put it to you today that the worst thing that can ever happen to you as a person is not death but dying without fulfilling your purpose.

It is so painful to see that the graveyard is the richest place on Earth because it houses powerful talents that weren't utilised, potentials that weren't maximized and purposes that weren't discovered.

Don't add the number of people that won't add any positive change to life.

Let's assume that all these great men you've heard of, did great things, just assume they didn't discover why they were on Earth and didn't do this great thing, how would this world have been? Where would you have been?

This is something to ponder on!

That is why you have to discover how you were manufactured to function

Find out that gap that you are to fill and fit in

Time is not on your side

Discover purpose

Discover it now

Cultivate it

Nurture it

And serve it all around.


Learning is defined as the ability to acquire knowledge. It is the change in one's behaviour. You will agree with me that everyone is learning but there is a difference between a person that is just learning and not practising and a person who is learning and also taking required actions.

What difference does it make? You may want to ask. It makes a whole lot of difference. That you learned fashion designing does not make you a fashion designer until you put what you have learnt into practice.

Learning how to create content does not make you a content creator until you start taking action. You remember that saying "when you put what you have learned to practice, it helps you to become an expert in that field.

Action takers are the best learner. Don't just learn that skill, put it into practice.

If I may ask,

What is stopping you from putting the skill you have learnt into practice? Why are you restricting the world from learning from you? As you acquire the knowledge, I beg that you put them into practice.

I am cheering you on.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @Bibijani01
Avatar for Nehamaya
1 year ago


What a inspiring piece to encourage everyone 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago