The great triumph

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Many of us have individual goal. We are going to take risk just to reach our goal. Our inspiration in life has great contribution why we are still holding tightly. We tend to find ways just to reach our goal. Sometimes we generate alot of debts and we promised ourself that one day we can pay it. To reach our goal is our triumph and one of the greatest milestone in life. Life has alot of choices. We can have unlimited ambition but the reality is limited. We can't have our mental concept turn into reality.

Sometimes our great triumph is not just through long achievement. If we think how our life revolves, every wakes serves as our great triumph cause God allow us to live longer. In that case he has purpose on us. We have important task to accomplish. We need not to waste time instead we find ways what are the things that can make our God please. Find ways to help others.

In life we should be thanks to every seconds that passed it's a sign that we have alot of chance to what we are going to accomplish. We have different calling and many other people confused what's there calling? What's there purpose why they're still living without purpose. I can feel that and it really dread me everytime I wakes up. I asked myself hey! What's the plan?

But thinks God he showed me the reason. When I saw my parents is getting older. I realized that I need to help them. I feel so small that they like I didn't even contribute something to the house except those labor things that I've done in the house. My parents are approaching to their stage where there integrity and wisdom became stronger. I cry inside without falling down my tears. It really hurt cause I'm the eldest son and typically the burden is always in the eldest.

I need to strive hard for me to help them. So, I can give them what is due to them. I want to see there genuine smile. Once I can see their genuine smile that's the thing that I'll feel happy and comfortable too. I don't know why but there's something in my mind that always says "You need to be strong". Alot of reason why we need to sacrifice cause we want to give a comfortable life to someone whom we have alot of debt unpayable debt. Even in a long years of service we can't even reach half of the sacrifices done by our parents.

Hope I can cope with the obstacles in life so I can do my part. I knew before that my parents will be the happiest people live especially when saw me getting successful, even though my parents doesn't tell me what's there reaction once I'll be successful (by the grace of God) I'm sure that deep inside it's full of happiness. I knew that we have different motivation in life whether parents, jowa, and other colleagues and our similarities is that we want them they're happy because of us.

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The inspirations we had is a big help why we still continue fighting to achieve our goals natsu. I agree to you. These are the things that pushing us to continue.

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2 years ago

Ye, it push to get through with the trials

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2 years ago

Yes my friend. Inspiration is one of the keys.

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2 years ago