The Mysterious Date

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2 years ago

The  Mysterious Date

There I was on a sundy afternoon in my room wondering and thinking of how my day would turn out 'cause I have been indoors since the previous night when my phone rang out loud; It was a call from my friend.

      You  might be wondering what I meant by "Sundy" - it is a coined name for a sunny and windy weather *lol*

   I picked up the mobile phone and this conversation ensued:
Me : Hello mate , how you doing ?
Friend 1 : I am alright, Bro .How is your day going so far?
Me : It is cool and yours ?
Friend 1 :  It is alright also . Hey , i have a little request from you
Me : What is it?
Friend 1 : Can you tag along with me on a date tomorrow to make it a double date . You can either bring someone with you or I arrange someone for you . I just met a girl and we decided to go on a date but I don't want to go alone.
Me ( not wanting to disappoint because Friend 1 is as single as hell ) : Okay , yeah no issue but you gonna have to arrange someone for me because I don't have anyone on short notice
                                 *coughs- I lied*
Friend 1 : Alright mate .. I got you covered.

As you would expect and think , this conversation was harmless and should bring out the best of results when experimented. As discussed , I and my friend met the next day and lo and behold , there he was at the front of the Mall with two girls by his side ( I didn't know which was mine and which was his ) . So , I hesitated to go to him to avoid the embarrassment of "Is this my girl? " ; my friend being observant and smart gestured out the girl I was to take on our assumed date and I walked up to her , skipped the formalities and held her hand . We entered into the Mall , did some shoppings and we checked out of the Mall to move to a Dine-In restaurant. This was where everything started going awkward in my direction.

   Spoiler : I noticed my friend's date got eyes for me and she was making advances all through the shoppings we did at the Mall

On getting to the Dine-In restaurant,  we each took our dates to the table and foods were ordered to the table.  I felt uncomfortable eating as we were all discussing but I felt left out of the discussions as I was the odd one out of all four of us - that shouldn't be a shock any longer - cause I figured along the chit chat that my date is a friend to my friend's date ~awkward~

     Ohhh, lest I forget , the name of my friend is  Roberts ; I call him Barf , his date's name is Camila while mine is Rachel and we are all teenagers. Let my name be a mystery in this article of mine. 
    Y'all are free to guess out my name in the Comments Section and see if you are the Wizard of Oz in disguise  *lol*

Camila continued in her stealth advances towards me and I was forced to not give in . It got to a stage where I could not keep up with it any longer and had to call Barf aside to let him know of the situation.  He argued and disputed with me in disbelief and  and went back to our table disappointed and shocked.   Judging from what I had discussed with Barf , his countenance changed at the table and the "Life of the Party" had to be put on my shoulders . I started initiating conversations , telling stories and past events of my own to keep the table lively till Roberts broke his trip to Boresville ( his bored look )

He stood up , came besides me and then hugged me followed by the laughter accompanied with claps from each of our dates . Then my brain clicked and asked " Was this a test ? " . Roberts later told all what has been planned between himself ,Camila and Rachel that he wanted to test my level of sincerity.  I was laughing all through as he talked and asked him of what if I had offered to bring my date along myself and with a firm reply from him , he said "This would have been a normal date then". We all laughed at the end and had a nice wonderful eat ; I enjoyed the Pasta served at the Dine-In . We each took our dates home and from then on , I and Rachel became an item which was a good thing because she is the best girl a man can ask for .

I was happy I didn't give in to the advances from Camila as it was a trap and could have ended my friendship with Roberts while also dragging my not-yet-assumed relationship with Rachel down the drain .

Thanks for reading and for your time .

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$ 0.05 from @GarrethGrey07
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2 years ago


Your friend is lucky to have a great friend like you..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah , he sure is but I am not so sure i am 😅😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😂 well trust is necessary, and lucky you

$ 0.00
2 years ago