My little dog
Hi guys good morning it is obvious that not all of us here has or love a dog but in the aspect mine I love dogs alot am not scared of them even if it seems like they want to hurt me or they are very aggressive I will stand my ground and make sure I won't run.
Hey guys is all about my little puppy name Oscar I love him so much his only a year and five months they where two a male and a female which they are called Oscar and major but one is dead which is major she died of rabies when she was still seven months and it was very painful to me when I heard that she's dead I almost cried.
I then told my parents that it seems rabies is a fatal viral diseases that all mammals can easily contact, then we should send Oscar to a veterinary doctor, but I do call them a (vet) then we sharply sent him and they said he's not ill he's only mourning the other, my dad said if so the dog will sleep next to him that day.
That wasn't the end he began to cry and it was a little bit funny but I felt so pity for him and I took him and pet him we then Went round our neighborhood and we all caught it a fun that very day. But there's something he did very profusely and got me scared i took him out one day for strolling and I decided to rest close by, in my absence I don't know that Oscar has left me and went to call my dad to com pick me, but when I realised that Oscar was not there I then stood up and went in search of him but I couldn't find him while i was about calling my dad I saw them coming,he came to pick me and I saw Oscar with my dad I was like how! Dad where did u see oscar? he then told me that Oscar came in and he started barking he then directed him to where am I and I was like wow his dog is very brave.
So what I'm trying to say in essence I love dogs a lot mostly the English ones like mine even though their aggressive the seems to be hurt I know how to be friendly with them thanks
The End!!!
Dogs are very kind, intelligent and loyal animals. I was very sad for your dog that died. You spend beautiful times with your dog...