My FAVORITE Privacy Tool

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1 week ago

A privacy screen is an ESSENTIAL privacy tool for every tool box.

In this video I explain what a privacy screen is, how the technology works, how to apply one to your devices, and go over important tips -- especially if you have a fingerprint reader on your phone screen.

00:00 A SPY’s favorite tool
01:15 What is a Privacy Screen?
03:11 How it Works
04:31 Tutorial
06:03 IMPORTANT TIPS: Fingerprint readers
07:54 Conclusion

A privacy screen is a simple, affordable way to better protect ourselves from shoulder surfers and would-be thieves. You never know who might be looking over your shoulder, so use a privacy screen to protect your sensitive and private information.

Watch all of the tutorials in our Phone Privacy Playlist HERE:

Brought to you by NBTV team members: Lee Rennie, Cube Boy, Sam Ettaro, Will Sandoval and Naomi Brockwell

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