Time Travel: A Future That May Be Possible But!!

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2 years ago

As we sit here in the present, we wonder what the future holds. Will we be able to travel back in time? Will we even want to? As someone who loves watching and reading science fiction, I often consider all of the possibilities that are out there.

Whether it is a "Back to the Future" scenario or something else entirely, I am sure that some version of time travel will eventually become possible for us humans. However, even though it sounds amazing, I wonder if we will actually want to use time travel when it becomes available.

A major reason is that time travel may have some serious consequences. For example, if you went back in time and killed your grandfather before he had children with your grandmother then you would not be born yourself.

Image Source: Pixabay

This raises an interesting conundrum as well as the philosophical question of you as person existing at all. I guess that if we do figure out how to time travel then we will need to think very carefully about when and where we go.

Another possible reason why we may not want to use this new technology is because time really isn't meant for us humans. That may sound crazy, but one thing that science fiction movies and shows often get right is that we shouldn't be messing with things we don't understand.

Image Source: Pixabay

For example, in "Star Trek: First Contact," the crew has a hard enough time saving themselves from the Borg without having to take on an evil version of their captain from another timeline.

If something like this could happenand it probably will), then why would we even want to time travel? We may end up creating a whole series of problems that we then need to solve.

It will certainly be interesting to see what actually happens in the future, whether we go back in time or not. As someone who loves science fiction, I can't wait to read and watch all of the possible scenarios.

It definitely seems like any version of time travel is going to be fun for us sci-fi buffs while being potentially dangerous for everyone else.

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2 years ago


I'm a very big fan of the flash in arrow verse, there's always going to be disadvantages, like if someone don't like his neighbor, he can just go back in time and kill the person when he was a baby in the hospital.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always liked the idea of time travel, though as science suggests it would be more like dimension travel, with parallel universes instead of this singular idea of time, which would mean that time travel would be done without the butterfly effect

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, agree I recently watched a video from Density YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/9Y25LOHL4C4

Which explains scientist have found evidence 🧾 of parallel universe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very nice, thank you!

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2 years ago