I had a dream

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Written by
2 years ago

The dream is somehow a string of thoughts, pictures, and feelings appearing in a person's mind during sleep. It is something that we want to do yet we didn't accomplish and it continues in our dream. It is somewhat clued to our problems or a solution to our deep thought. Accordingly, a dream is just a dream and no one can interpret it but only you who dreamt it.

Greetings! Hello friendships, it's again a beautiful evening, after so much stuff from work, like cooking, washing dishes, taking care of the children and boo! They are already asleep and I, lying my back on the bed, whoa heaven. How are we? Are we still have the energy to share our day? Yes, of course. . .

Okay, last night I am early to bed and fall asleep easily, I don't know what's the matter but it's not usually cause I do take care of my children first and myself after them, but last night I didn't do my duties and my husband take over it cause he saw me sleeping already he was struggling with the kid's because my kids are attached with me but he handled it still.

At around midnight I woke up with a heavy heart and teary eyes because I saw pictures in my dreams that as if it's real, the story goes like this,

It was a feast in our town, me and my immediate family roaming around at the plaza with my kids, my kids are so energetic and running everywhere and I felt irritated with them that's why I asked my mom to take care of them because I'll have to buy something, but that's only a lie, in my dream, I don't know what gotten into me that I rode a bus 🚌 and travel somewhere out of my frustration to the kids, at the first stop of the bus I went out and sitting at the waiting sheds, with the girl who's there already, after a while one lady coming and set beside me, she's jolly and she's like to have a conversation with us, she shared that she wants to off somewhere cause she got suffocated by her parents and the other girl shares also that she's going to her school but she's late so if we're going somewhere shes willing to go with us, but wait I didn't know them but it seems that we are close, after that my brother came up I don't know where did he come from, we are talking non-sense cause we are close with each other, mean while there's two men approaching in our place, I had a bad feeling about them, the way they stare us, especially to me. My brother feels it too so he comes closer to me and before he reaches nearly, one guy attacks him with a knife luckily it is only a little bruised and we run separately and the one guy chased me but before he went to grab me I woke up with a heartbeat fast.

That was midnight and I wasn't falling asleep again until morning arrives.

This morning, I want to call my brother because according to my mom the day before that he can't make it home because of overtime but sadly, I don't have a load so I plan to call him at work but, this forgetful mind attack until earlier I attempt to call him but he's out of coverage, I just wanted to check on him cause we didn't see each other this week and it's unusual because he keeps on visiting me every time he's free. (We're only two) maybe that's the reason why I dreamt about him but it's so creepy, may God bless him always and spare him from evil people.


As I recall my dreamt last night, the 2 girls that I encountered were portraying me, before when I was young, I was always rebellious toward my father because he is a disciplined man, he kept on monitoring me because im he's the only daughter and the other girl also I compare myself before whenever I m late at school and there's someone who wants to go somewhere I easily come with them and skip my classes and have some fun. At present, in my dream, I also skip with my responsibility to my kids and pass the burden to my mom and even to the nanny.

I think it's an eye-opener to me that if you have a responsibility and you keep on running it, some things bad will happen. That I should stand for what I am now and accept the reality, after all, it's my choice, and no one commands me of having it.

To my sons, I'm sorry for Mama's behavior sometimes, I just wanted the best for you both that's why sometimes I'm hard in making decisions that cause me and your papa's misunderstanding, thank you for being attached with me even I easily lost my patience in your stubbornness but knows that you're the reason for my hard works to supply your needs. You are so dear to me.

Thanks for being with me always, to my readers hope you understand what I am writing. To my sponsors thank you so much, and to the handsome bot thank you for visiting.

Although it's just a dream, yet I realized many things.

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Written by
2 years ago


One of the most scary dreams I have is when I see myself falling down from the clouds whoaaaaa! Alimukawan gudko hehe dreams is like a reality happened to our lives

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha mura kag bird ato.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some time one dream due to what happened in real life but some times base on frustration

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it's true.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay I am unique boy my account got spammed subscribe for my latest article

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That kind of dream is what I consider a nightmare. It's sometimes caused by excess of stress, I guess you need to relax.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah good thing, it's Saturday today.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dreams ko mostly nightmares that sometimes comes in reality

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dreams are blurred vision of past and future.. sometimes may mga dreams ako nga gaka tinoud pero kanang buntag lang.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lage ui, hadlok kaayo ko pag may jud.

$ 0.00
2 years ago