My name is Negluys, I am Venezuelan from the most valuable state of my country, where the first explosion of black gold (oil) took place, believer of my God (Christian at heart), graduated in education with mention in computer science from the best university on the planet (LUZ) and also graduated as a flight attendant. Today I am in Quito Ecuador, and 3 years ago I am in this land that I never really thought I would get to know and much less live and even less have children of this country because I really never thought I had to leave my land, I feel a regionalist, because I love my city Cabimas both where I go I remember the compare and every day I miss it, Cabimas I know it is not the big city but for me is a small world, where are my roots, my loves, my essence that I am is Cabimas. One day after a hard but fast process that later I will tell you one by one with details, in the blink of an eye, after fighting against the current for several months, that current that any person who is in this nation today lives, I was already taking that cab to leave my Cabimas without knowing when I would return to its hot climate to its imperfect streets, Here I was with my suitcases full of things and a heart full of memories, my eyes soaked and a fear that no matter how much we avoid it will remain there, minute by minute I was moving away from who I was, from a mother that I left with tears in her eyes, a father who preferred to say goodbye much earlier to avoid suffering so much to see his spoiled little girl of his eyes leave. It was a great experience on the way to the airport but it was necessary to arrive and leave, I had a child excited to get on a plane at 4 years old and a baby in my belly of 7 months, which were the main reason for having to leave my nation. Many believe that leaving is running away but when you have children, leaving is an option for their comfort and safety. It was already 7 o'clock at night and I was already in the air flying over any country. But with my mind on the one I left and longing to return. It was almost 10pm local time 11pm Venezuela time, a very good trip, my son very excited, my desire to see my husband who was waiting for us in the country that would be our new home, for moments I forgot what I left behind deciding to focus on what would come and not what I would leave, on the opportunities that would be presented and not on those that would be closed. The flight arrives and here we go again to take the heavy suitcases and continue walking full of illusions and determined to change and start from scratch, the first thing I noticed was that weather so different from my city, a temperature 7 ° that night, a sigh that threw white smoke from the cold, and I said ready Negluys here we go, there was that man that God put me on the road waiting for us full of joy and beautiful flowers in his hands, finally the family united again and ready to face everything that was coming. And so it was that in the blink of an eye it was dawn and I was there in another house, another bed, another place so different from the one I left, I said to myself in a few months I will be able to go to my city to see my parents but well it has been 3 years with that hope alive, grateful for the opportunities and the way God has glorified in our lives, This is a little of my departure from my great Cabimas, here I am in this cold and rainy city with a rich tea and talking with you my new friends to whom I will tell so many beautiful experiences and above all many things that built my life and I know it will be of help to many. Happy night, happy day in other countries. God bless you all.

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@NEG posted 3 years ago
