Symbols in dreams are personal

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1 year ago

We say, “The symbols in our dreams differ from person to person”. I wanted to deepen this a little more in this article. Guide dreams that we see apart from unconscious and telepathic dreams exist to tell us something and make us feel through symbols. Sometimes they only help us to have enlightenment about that process or the issues we are interested in, and sometimes they support us in matters such as our life in general and our life purpose. Here, symbols and their meanings for us come into play. There may be more than one symbol of the same emotion or behavior, these symbols may differ from person to person.

For example, for us, a movie hero in our childhood may be describing the father or mother characters, while for someone else, it may refer to a situation related to the private life of the hero (for example, earning a lot of money) apart from his role in the movie. Although these two people dream of the same movie hero, the analysis of the dreams will be different. Another example is that someone who loves to eat spinach and someone who remembers Popeye when spinach is called, seeing spinach in a dream cannot be analyzed in the same way.

For this reason, symbols and the meaning of those symbols for the dreamer are very valuable. How that dream makes us feel when we wake up in the morning is also an important clue when evaluating our symbols. If you want to get real support from your dreams, you should definitely have a notebook in which you record your dreams, and follow your waking life 2-3 days after you dream, and take note of the details, even if they are small. What happens in our waking life will give us an idea about the symbols in the dream. When we see the same symbol again, we will realize that we are open to similar experiences in the following days.

However, the whole of the dream is always important, analyzing the symbol alone is not enough, and it may be wrong. The whole dream is always the healthiest analysis.

In order to have a healthy dream, we should get help from activities that relax the body and soul, such as breathing exercises, taking a shower, listening to baroque music, and meditating before going to sleep. A well-rested body or mind will present the experiences of that day to us in our sleep at night. A relaxed and calmed mind will be ready for sleep. Of course, by asking the answers to the questions and situations that we are looking for with our intention sentences before going to sleep, we increase the possibility of seeing the subjects we are curious about in our dreams.

Let me make a small warning here: The scenario or symbols we see in our dreams do not have to be related to the subject we are wondering about. If we focus on what the symbols mean, we can relate to that topic. Finally, we must work on a subject for at least 3 nights. We may be inclined to see the symbols of those who are under the influence of our more conscious minds on the first night.

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