hello guys, its been abit long i posted on read.cash due to some issues, tho have not been getting tips from @TheRandomRewarder for some time now but that aside we still push forward. Am going to try my best to be active once again and i pray things work out well.
Our world today, relationships has becomes a common thing, whereby almost anyone can be or is already in a relationship. Our youngs ones today go into relationships without actually fully understanding what it means to be in a relationship. Various observation has so shown that the rush to go into a relationships (mostly amoung our young ones) increases around January and in February there are so many new relationships based on the fact that no one wants to spend February 14th alone.
I once asked someone her point of view on how she sees relationship and what one should expect in a relationship, the answer she gave me was just one word. "Sex" many today sees relationships as a means to enjoy themselves, have sex, enjoy each others company or intimacy and gifts. That is all they believe relationships are ment for. Many today rush into relationships without actually being ready mentally. Some go into relationships just because they feel lonely or less loved, hence they want to be with someone who would show them unlimited love and make them happy always.
There is actually notting wrong in starting a relationship with someone but it should be for the right reasons . Before you start a relationship, i think you should ask your self these questions.
What is my reason for going into the relationship? Do i plan on getting married or just for fun or am i just lonely and i need someone to make me happy.
What impact can i make in the life of my partner,be it mentally, spiritually on physically. Remember relationship is not about sex.
if your reason for going into a relationship is based on the fact that you are lonely or that you need someone to make you happy, then am sorry to say that you might not find true happiness in that relationship. Yes it first everything would seem perfect but later on that emptiness would still be there, what happens when your partner does things that upsets you? Or cant make you happy?
Before going into any relationship, you should have self love, love yourself, be able to make yourself happy by yourself. In that way you will not only make life easy for your partner, but also be able to appreciate any little efforts made by them.
relationship is not ment for just fun alone, its not just about what you can receive, its also about what you can give. Relationship is about caring, loving, understanding your partner its about growing each other in every aspect of life and most importantly relationship is about companionship and friendship.
your relationship should be with someone that draws you closer to your maker, it should be with someone that respects your decisions and opinions, it should be with someone that impacts positively into your life and vise versa. So tell me if you dont have self love how can you do all that?
do not let peer pressure control you and make you go into a relationship when you are not ready, love your self, understand yourself and evey other thing comes easy.
Most importantly a relationship should be pure, and its foundation should be built on God. There is no relationship as good and perfect when both partners seeks the face of God.
Remember notting good comes easy, so things might be rough right now but keep pushing forward, and dont hold back. Build self love and self happiness, no one can ever understand you better than yourself, then share that feelings with others.
Relationship should not only be based on the 's' word but it should always be based on how much two people love and care for each other. We shouldn't get into relationship just because of pressure or just to go with the trend. We should be in a relationship because mutual understanding and love.