Poem about its Majesty

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2 years ago

Amazing scent.

Amazing taste.

Sparkling and bitterness.

Sparkling and sweetness.

Incompatible and yet compatible.

They call it the royal drink.

Each variety is unique.

Some are sour.

Some are sweet.

Some mix to get the magic.

They are different and yet they attract you.

After making love, it is very pleasant.

The older, the better.

Some bottles cost a fortune.

Collectors have their own cellars.

Many study to evaluate it.

One glass a day is health.

They say it flows through the veins.

For everyone's taste.

For everyone's pocket.

It is made according to old recipes.

From well-chosen grape varieties.

Graševina, Prokupac,

Cabernet Sauvignon,

Cabernet Franc,

Cabernet Merlot,

Muscat Hamburg,

Zinfandel, Viognier.

Its Majesty.


Author: Musician

Lead image source: unsplash

Thanks a lot for reading.

$ 3.29
$ 3.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jelena
$ 0.02 from @Belozoriana
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Well done☺ can you write a poem about life??? I'd love to read it. . or have you written about it already??

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It will be my pleasure. 🙂 The next poem will be about life. Thanks 🙂

$ 0.00
2 years ago