Poem about drunk

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2 years ago

He walks alone.

He thinks alone.

He cries alone.

He lives alone.

He laughs alone.

He drinks alone.

He got drunk just because of that "alone".

He was not born as a drunk.

He became a drunk.

He became because he was left alone.

And he stayed drunk because he had to do everything himself.

Everyone bypasses him.

Nobody should ask him why that is so.

He doesn't even ask for it.

He always says he's not alone.

He says he has a friend who warms him up in the winter,

which cools him in summer,

and who never betrayed him.

It is sad to have such a friend.

But he is happy.

He says he drinks a lot.

He drinks more and more.

And he would like to drink all the alcohol of this world so that young people would not drink and become what he is.

I don't know if it was a joke.

He laughed when he said that.

Don't indulge in vices.

And if you go that route,

talk to him.

He knows what he is talking about.

Author: Musician

Thanks a lot for reading.

Lead image source: unsplash

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