Law of gender: sex in the mind.

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2 years ago
Topics: Spiritual

They say that everything is symbolic of sex, well it is, just not in the way that it is commonly thought, so we need to get into and go over the law of gender, which on the surface is going to look a lot like the law of polarity, but there are key differences, the two laws do go hand in hand and resemble one another but they are not quite the same. We have seen in the previous articles how everything is magic, now we are going to add to that statement and say that magic is sex, and we are not talking strictly physical sex, although physical sex does adhere to the law of gender, what we are really talking about are two specific energetic forces, for a lack of a better description, they are two because they also must adhere to the law of polarity and duality, but they are not the same, the male energetic force which is equated to a positive charge, although you have to remember that positive and negative does not mean good or bad, it only means its directional flow, the male energetic force is that force which pushes outside of itself, whereas the feminine force is that which draws into itself, the male force penetrates, and the feminine force absorbs and assimilates, and the male force penetrated the feminine energy and impresses upon it the idea and the blue-print, the feminine energy takes that blue-print, absorbs it and assimilates it to give birth to the creation. You can see how physical sex totally adheres to the law of gender, this should all make perfect sense so far because we are already familiar with the aspects of procreation on the physical level.

Now you are going to take this concept and principle and apply it to your mind, the male energy is that fiery dynamic force that we refer to in magic as the WILL, which is part and parcel to the conscious mind, whereas the feminine energy resides within the subconscious mind, when your will successfully penetrates and impresses upon the subconscious mind, it will then absorb and assimilates those blue-prints given by the will and then turn and give birth to the results of your magic is perfect synchronization within your reality, this is why the will is very important in manifesting, because just sitting there visualizing and meditating in a passive dreamlike state is not going to do much, because that’s using a feminine energy, the male will is fiery, dynamic, passionate and often exaggerating in its capabilities in order to make an impression, and this is the sole purpose of ritual magic, all those candles, robes, sigils, everything is there for one purpose only : TO MAKE AN IMPRESSION UPON THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. The subconscious takes that, processes it, and then gives birth to/manifests the results, it will first try to manifest the results internally, and then externally into your reality with synchronicity, and this happens whether you are aware of it or not, that is why it is very important to guard the gates of your mind.

The subconscious mind sees all and knows all, this is why it picks up on things your conscious mind ignores, the things YOU CHOOSE to ignore, that’s why we are being bombarded by subliminal messages on a constant basis, and you don’t want that to be processed by your subconscious mind without you knowing, as it could contain negative thoughts and could manifest them somehow in your reality, and again, think about that when you are scrolling through your social media newsfeed, you might be scrolling down without really reading anything, but know for sure that your subconscious mind is reading all of that, and if you want to use this to your advantage, you might want to write positive messages and hide them around your house, your room so that your conscious mind is not really seeing them but your subconscious is picking it up, processing it and manifesting it.

The subconscious mind truly is the link to what we refer to us THE DIVINE, it is the portal to the other realms and it the zero-point for all that manifests in reality, ones and zeroes as in the binary system, also represent male and female ;).

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2 years ago
Topics: Spiritual
