Jumat Mubarak

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Avatar for Mumthaz01
4 years ago

Ya Allah! You are the listener of all requests, you hear the most silent voice and you are the last resort to all complaints, please accept & answer our prayers. Help us accomplish our positive suplications. Help us when life gets tough & rough. Bless us with what is sufficient and abundant. Protect us at all times. Hear us when we call. Soothe our hearts when in distress. Aameen ya Rabb! Good morning &

Juma'a Mubarak

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Nice one

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4 years ago

More of it on Earth insha Allah 🤲

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4 years ago

Today have been a good day for me

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4 years ago

happy Friday brother

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4 years ago

Happy Friday

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User's avatar Ara
4 years ago

Weldone. Nice post

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank God it Friday

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4 years ago

Happy jumma Mubarak to all Muslims faithfuls

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4 years ago