The fruit that people ignore but is nutritious for the body

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1 year ago
Topics: Fruit, Noni, People, Benefit, Nutrition, ...

Have you ever known that there is one fruit that is planted a lot but the fruit is never harvested? If you don't know what the name of the fruit is, the name of the fruit is noni (in English) and in Indonesia called Mengkudu or in scientific language Morinda citrifolia. This fruit grows a lot in my city. It's just that a lot of people ignore this fruit because this fruit is not good to eat.

This is the noni fruit that I took directly from the tree

"If it's not good to eat, that means this fruit has a bad smell?"

Precisely. This fruit has a really bad smell when the fruit is really ripe or close to rotting. For those of you who don't know what it smells like, the smell of noni fruit is like the smell of dead animals. It's just not like the smell of a whole carcass. More or less like that description of the smell of the fruit.

But, for noni which is still green or perfectly ripe (white in color and the fruit is still hard) it doesn't have a very strong odor. Even though this fruit cannot be eaten directly and has an unpleasant taste, this fruit can of course be processed into herbal medicine which turns out to be efficacious for the body.

"Can this fruit really cure anything?"

This unique fruit, although underestimated, this fruit can cure various diseases such as arthritis, uric acid, digestive system, fever and diabetes. People who understand the benefits of noni fruit are usually those who have diabetes. Because this fruit is very effective for dealing with diabetes, like what my mother experience.

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"How do you make the potion? Is it done?"

To make a concoction of noni is not too difficult. You only need 4 to 5 noni fruit, water and brown sugar. After that, you can cut the noni fruit or crush it like the picture below.

Use plastic when crushing the noni

After you destroy it, you can boil the noni fruit until it withers. When the boiled noni fruit is wilted, you can add brown sugar to taste. For the water, you can use about 1 liter for 5 noni fruit. And I need to remind you, this fruit concoction has a very distinctive smell or I can say it smells very bad.

this is a ready-to-drink herbal concoction of noni

But you guys take it easy. If you don't want to make this concoction yourself at home, you can buy it at a herbal medicine shop. Because now there are those who sell medicine from this noni fruit. So you can save time instead of making it yourself at home.

So that's noni fruit, one fruit that people ignore but has good benefits for the body. Despite its many benefits, this fruit concoction certainly has side effects such as liver disorders and other harmful effects if consumed in excess. So try not to consume this herb or herbal remedy too often.

How about you, do you know this fruit or maybe you have never seen noni at all? Tell me in the comments.

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All illustrator image from my own capture

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Fruit, Noni, People, Benefit, Nutrition, ...


Haven't seen the fruit but aware of the Noni products sold in medical department. They are supposed to boost physical energy, immune system etc from which I remember mentioned in the packaging box.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

so true. but it is not recommended to eat the fruit directly. unless you can stand the taste and smell.

$ 0.00
1 year ago