A Myth That Indonesians Still Believe Today

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2 years ago

Myth. Yup, which of us doesn't know what a myth is? Of course, myth is a belief from our ancestors that has been passed down from generation to generation until today. Myths are often used as a bad omen if we are reluctant to follow the rules that exist in these myths. Although there are several myths that are not proven to have happened or are commonly called superstitions. However, in Indonesia itself, there are several myths that are still believed by some people and even must be followed. What myths do Indonesians still believe today? There are 5 common myths that I will explain, including:

• Butterflies enter the house

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The first myth that people still believe is the butterfly that enters the house. This myth originates from the land of Java, which has long been believed even today. The meaning of the butterfly that enters the house is that there will be guests who will visit our house. Those who will come to our house could be relatives, neighbors or even your family.

• girls are prohibited from sitting in front of the door

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The second myth that is still believed is that girls are prohibited from sitting in front of the door. Why so? It is said that if there is a girl sitting in front of the door, she will get a disaster, namely the difficulty of the girl to find her soul mate. Until now, this myth is still believed by most parents who have girls at home. And they will forbid their daughter if she is sitting in front of the house.

• eat in front of the house

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Just as girls are prohibited from sitting in front of the house, eating in front of the house is also strictly prohibited. The meaning of this myth is reduced fortune or can get bad luck. Apart from these myths, eating in front of the house is considered a disrespectful activity for us.

• sitting on pillows

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Yup, this myth will sound very strange to you. But this myth is still a lot of people who believe in this myth. The meaning of this myth is, if you will get ulcers on your buttocks if you sit on a pillow.

• leaving rice on the plate when eating

image from pixabay

The last myth this time is that it is forbidden to leave rice when eating. This myth I often heard when I was a child. Even today, many parents forbid their children to leave rice on their plates when eating. It is said that if we leave rice on the plate when eating, then the remaining rice will cry if not eaten.

For this myth, it has been proven successful for children to learn to spend food so it doesn't go to waste.

So, that's a myth that is still believed by Indonesians to this day. Even though the myth that I explained has not been proven in practice, at least we respect and appreciate it so that unwanted things don't happen in the future. Then, how about where you are? Are there many myths that are still believed today? I think it will be interesting if you tell me in the comments.

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Written by
2 years ago


The last one is really interesting and a bit funny... Rice cry . In Islamic point of view this one should not waste their food (not only rice but every type of food), and shall try to take as much as he can finish and eat, not more.

Sitting pillow In our area it is not considered myth or prohibited, but it considered as a bad habit

$ 0.01
1 year ago

yup, the myth of crying rice is actually taken from Islamic teachings. This myth is aimed at children who are difficult to eat and let their food remain. but it's also not justified that rice can cry in this myth hahaha.

Just like sitting on pillows, we consider this a bad habit too. But we understand if someone sits on a pillow if one has hemorrhoids.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Food should not be wasted, that is the main theme and lesson behind this, whether it is a myth or not.

Have a blessed time

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lha njuk mitos motone keduten iku tandane opo brooh? Haha

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sing sebelah ndi kang? Nek loro2 ne iku tandane arep enthuk duit kang nek menurut analisa mendalam ku wkwkwkwk.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Very interesting indeed to know about these myths.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm glad if you are interested in this myth.

$ 0.00
2 years ago