Five basic needs in a marriage

  1. The first need should come as surprise, men cannot do without sexual Fulfillment.

  2. The second need is not recognised, husband want wife to spend recreational time with then. Recreational Compatibility is very important to men, and it must be carefully cultivated.

  3. Attractiveness. Wife must be attractive. This doesn't means she must be beautiful but she should strive to maintain her of attractiveness she had when they married. As well implies the men also.

  4. Peace In Marriage. Need for peace and quiet, moms need time to recoup, recharge and rebound. Dad also do. Couple need to discuss how to accomplish this so both partners are satisfied

  5. Admiration. Men thrives on honest admiration from women. They desperately need recognition and encouragement

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@Morrisontycer posted 3 years ago
