One of the most powerful ways to tap into and improve your intuition is pendulum dowsing, and it has a range of uses for anyone. It is surprisingly easy to do, but a little practice is required.
How to handle a pendulum - You should ensure that you just hit and use your pendulum for the best performance. Between the thumb and forefinger of whatever hand you use the pendulum cord should be held gently. Ensure that the wrist of the hand that carries the pendulum points downwards.
The first thing to figure out before deciding to use a pendulum is how it swings for 'yes' and no' as this differs between individuals. How to decide your 'Yes' and No' You can do so by asking a question to which you already know the answer. To decide what your 'yes' path is, ask the pendulum a question that you know consciously needs a 'yes answer. One of four directions it can swing: clockwise, anticlockwise, side-to-side or backward and forward.
This will depend entirely on each person. Ask the pendulum a question when you have found your 'yes' course, which you know needs a no' answer. The pendulum will then swing in a completely different direction, indicating the no' response of your person. In a straight line, swinging back and forth may mean "do not know" or uncertain. Never affect the pendulum to your own benefit - stand by the Facts at all times.
It takes practice - you will be able to discover many things through practice and start tapping the powers of intuition and developing your psychic ability. It should still be recalled, however, that the pendulum is a philosophical experiment and you should not let it govern your life.
The pendulum will help you decide which foods are safe for your body - an example of how you can use the pendulum. You may, for instance, keep the pendulum over a tablet of Vitamin B and ask "Is this good for me to which you will get a response. But you might ask, "Does my body need this now?" to be more precise, which would give you a different response.
I've never tried this with a pendulum.