Self strength

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3 years ago

The soul is considered an independent individuality for each individual because each person experiences different experiences from others that he experiences alone in isolation from what is around him, and therefore it is characterized by the continuity of change according to time and place, and all persons experience the self. From ancient times to the present day, but the environment, awareness, age, cultural level, degree of maturity, and the nature of the experience make each person’s experience different from the other.

The self or soul is the harvest of this experience, and people's experiences are classified based on two measures, one of which is the person’s activity in society and the community’s influence on him and his influence on him. The other depends on the physical and intellectual qualities, skills, opinions, attitude,s, and feelings, thus the soul is a complex matter that no one knows within it, and it is considered as the great secret characteristic of the person’s personality, as the person’s personality is part of the soul, and therefore any behavior that a person takes is attributed to the nature of his soul. As for the strength of the soul, it can be defined as a combination of three aspects, according to psychology, which is the physical strength of a person so that he is strong in structure and can perform the simplest things entrusted to him as a minimum, followed by the intellectual aspect, integrity of the mind and the ability to think constructively, and the third part is the possession of capabilities Or the talents that will raise the mental and physical ability to achieve great things.

The power of positive self-talk

All people can talk to themselves every day and in every situation, but not everyone can positively talk with oneself that would change the lifestyle, improve the way of thinking in addition to strengthening the personality and building self-confidence, and it is known that all the internal dialogues that a person establishes With himself, it affects his responses and his dealings with the surrounding environment, which can change his outlook on life.

The bad conversations that a person establishes with himself may remain in his imagination for a long time and he may always repeat them and comply with them. Except that they are wrong in the end, so we must learn to talk to ourselves in positive ways, as it is difficult in the beginning because the continuous way of thinking creates certain paths in the mind that one becomes accustomed to, which makes believing oneself in a positive way difficult, but if the person is flexible His mind and commitment to this mental exercise will reap results by following the following:

  • Self-awareness, knowing oneself and listening to the inner voice means that a person can distinguish between positive and negative, and if he is unable to distinguish, then he must ask himself about the possibility of saying this opinion to a close friend, and if the answer is, then this means that negative thinking must be changed and improved, and from self-knowledge, beg to Improve it, nothing can be improved if we are ignorant of what it is.

  • Replacing certain phrases in the mind that suggest negativity with positive alternatives that encourage and motivate the person, such as saying "I can" instead of "I cannot" or saying "I will do it with more time and effort" instead of "I am tired and will not do anything", so do not let yourself be locked into bad thoughts One has tremendous energy if one turns to marvel at his power.

  • Being in the present and thinking about it instead of thinking excessively about the future and planning a lot for it, which occupies the self with negative thinking, and something may not be achieved as planned, so controlling anxiety begins with thinking in the present moment and the possibility of achievement in it. Self-talk should be changed, such as standing in front of a mirror and repeating positive words out loud, to enhance yourself and increase self-confidence.

Signs of self-strength

The inner strength is considered as the ammunition or fuel that enables a person to complete life and face the road, and it can be inferred through underlying matters that a person does not discover outwardly, but after he experiences them such as mood, integrity, reassurance, safety, positive thinking, empathy, emotional and social intelligence, and peace Self-esteem, in addition to self-respect and reconciliation with it, positive feelings such as calmness and contentment, and physical skills such as relaxation, internal strength appears vague unless it is touched, experienced and observed by others, and the strength of the soul is derived from the external environment and can be strengthened and strengthened, except that one-third of it is an innate matter but preparation Her and strengthening her is possible, and the most important thing is to know oneself well and try to improve it and develop strengths. Among the signs of self strength are the following:

  • Mental strength and flexibility.

  • Accept criticism and not be influenced by negative speech.

  • Feeling positive emotions and uneasiness and distress without apparent reasons.

  • Realistic optimistic outlook.

  • Positive mood.

  • Feeling of worth and self.

  • Using experiences and making them lessons in shaping oneself and decisions.

  • Positive feelings such as satisfaction and acceptance.

How to strengthen self-confidence

Trust is the basis of a person's relationship with others because the idea of ​​helping others or standing by them enhances feelings of confidence, and this also applies to a person's self-confidence as his personality becomes fragile without it and unable to decide on for fear of criticism after making it, and distrust may result from Direct criticism and hurtful speech, but even if a person does not trust himself, canto gain this confidence over time with little effort. Here are some tips for learning how to trust oneself:

  • A person must be himself, as others notice the artificiality and are alienated from it, as a person must accept himself as it is.

  • Set high goals; Although it is an important reason for motivation, it may contribute to failure and frustration significantly, so it is necessary to set reasonable goals and plan higher gradually, which gives a sense of pride, and small goals can be placed first and happiness in them instead of big goals that need a long time and increase Frustration and self-loathing.

  • Loving oneself and accepting it as it is, and instead of remembering the negative qualities, one should focus on the strong aspects of the personality and try to exploit and strengthen them, for the person who strengthens his positives and knows them. Respected by others.

  • Meditation and self-dialogue, instead of thinking outside the self, you must sometimes think within yourself and avoid self-flagellation.

Women and self-strength

Among the recent programs that have appeared recently are women empowerment programs, because in our societies there are criticisms and bad words and diminishing of rights that may threaten women's confidence and the strength of their personality. Education and building self-confidence are important tools for empowering women and enhancing their personality and inner strength because self-strength and self-righteousness show its effects on the entire society.

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Self storage is an industry in which storage space, also known as "storage units" is rented to tenants, usually on a short-term basis.... ✌️ Brother like comment and subscribe done..back me

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