Qualities that are only in noise.cash

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Avatar for Molotov02
2 years ago

On 25th December 2020, I landed on noise.cash and start a new chapter of life where I stop wasting time on apps that didn't pay a reward for my quality posts. After some time I get addicted to noise.cash not because they give me money but because I never find any other community like noise.cash

All users are friendly

On noise.cash all users are friendly and never try to degrade others or bully others like other platforms where people don't think about other's self-respect and criticize it's been more than one year and I never get bullied by anyone and also I know if I get bully noise.cash team will take action against it and support me

No one creates your dummy account

On other platforms, people will create your dummy account easily and no one notices it even if you report the account or ask for help no one takes a quick action but on noise.cash just after 1 day your report gets noticed and also noise. cash team take action against it

Let me give you an example of it

11 months ago someone makes a fake account on noise.cash with my name and show that it was me I don't know why he/she do it but I came to know about this through one of my friend and I immediately report that account to noise.cash team and believe me within a week the account was removed by the noise.cash team and now we can't find that user on noise.cash

Screenshot of my post & action against it

And this is the best thing about noise.cash that they respect the privacy and real identity of users and take action if they see any suspicious activity

Your privacy & security is their priority

You have already listened a lot from people that their accounts are hacked by someone because they easily see their email addresses and other information in their account like phone numbers etc but noise.cash is different they first think about privacy & security they don't allow you to show your email address other like on another platform that is attached with your account, 2nd and most importantly they take care of security even we can't change the wallet address without confirming it via email they send on the email you provided and in 1 and a half year I don't listen to that someone's account is hacked and I think I will never listen to this ever

Off-topic discussion (my reaction to rumors about noise.cash)

Over the last 3 or, 4 days many users of noise.cash, and also outsiders are spreading rumors about noise.cash that it's a end of noise.cash & now we had to say goodbye but I don't reply to them because being an old user I know that payout that is pending is also mine and I will get it once the platform start working smoothly

My reaction is simple I just ignore those rumors because I know noise.cash team is responsible and they will update us if it will happen now or in the future, they always make an announcement post about every update they make and it's not a good thing to react to rumors without a solid reason or proof so I just ignore rumors

$ 1.15
$ 1.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @Niazi420
$ 0.03 from @TheGuy
+ 3
Sponsors of Molotov02
Avatar for Molotov02
2 years ago


Haha, I remember your fake account. The one who was trying to remove my account. The one who was making posts against me I still don't know what he/she wants? I just miss the old days of noise cash and the COVID period when everyone was active. Now I am thinking again to start using it. But the reason for not using it is I still think my account is on the spam list without any reason.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Try with the new one I also don't know about him but Thank God is no more

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my! You are Mishal in noise cash? Hmm. That's a new info for me though. Yeah, users are so friendly and generous.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup but only a few people know that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At a point noise cash became my only social media because I was sharing my views on certain things and was also getting positive comments

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I also use Twitter but only for giveaways lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Those qualities thAt are found in noise.cash are what make me love and get addicted with the platform even more. Ever since I know noise.cash, i barely open my Facebook account

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Same with me First thing I do in morning is checking my noise.cash account and make morning post

$ 0.00
2 years ago