Feeling Superior And Feeling Inferior

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Avatar for Mohsinilyas
3 years ago

LowCondfidence OverConfidence

Feeling Superior

Superiority complex



For your personality

Both are harmful

Both need a balance.


They know

What is the identity of both types of people?

A person with a sense of superiority

Selfish and arrogant

Always considers himself right and others wrong

Show off, eager to show off

Considers himself capable, others incompetent

Everywhere is ahead

Wants to be team captain,

Cannot work under anyone

Anger increases

Speaks loudly

The one in front doesn't let the word come true

When the other is speaking, he looks around

Overconfidence occurs

The mood changes rapidly

Sacrifice is not a spirit of self-sacrifice

In the car, in the bus, he always asks for a window side seat

I use more in the word, in, in conversation

Criticizes, satirises, ridicules those who live with him

Never admit your mistake

If he disobeys them, he will consider others as fools

Compares himself to others

At the dinner table

First of all, the best thing

Raises the most

Sugars in food and drink

He wants to control all the valuables

Is cowardly

Can't feel the feelings of others

Discusses your accomplishments, and makes your own definitions.


Symptoms of people suffering from

Backbencher sits in the last row of the class

Stays scared


Yasit likes

Sadness hears and shares more news of accidents

Talking of ungratefulness makes you complain more

In nature, there is a tendency to extinguish beauty

Chewing nails, lips, cracking fingers, repeatedly touching your face,

He does not look me in the eye

Speaks very slowly and chews words

Seeks compassion at all times

Does not trust

Doubt increases

Stays away from social events

Looks in the mirror too much

Considers others a threat to himself

Is shy


The faults, the failures of others

It feels calm to see

Very sensitive

Wants to hide in hidden parts of the house

Does not appear in front of guests

Doesn't like to go to parties

Criticism for the sake of criticism.

Now you have the flaws of both the characters

Let's find a cure now

The feeling of superiority is actually an unconscious way of hiding the feeling of inferiority

People with both conditions

First of all, admit that they have this weakness

Then your close loving friends

By sending this message to parents, siblings, friends

Ask them to help you figure out what's wrong with your personality and how to fix it


Parents should teach their children to balance by watching their tendencies from an early age.

And see

It's not too late

We can improve ourselves at any time

Forget the regrets of the past and make the present beautiful. The future will be better by itself

With wisdom to those who live with you

By pointing

Help them improve their personality

Do it in your own person

Will shine

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3 years ago
