impossible is nothing:

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Avatar for Mohid4772
3 years ago

Today around the house on my way out, I found these beautiful green plants growing by the wall of the building on a concrete floor,

I took the photograph but instead of posting the photo on NATURE COMMUNITY I decided to share here it because something else struck my mind and I thought within myself that I should post it in PERSONAL GROWTH COMMUNITY that even if it's one soul that I'm able to inspire with this message then I'll be the happiest person.

​In the world today, we all come from different backgrounds, we are all presented with different opportunities and challenges.

​While some were born with Silver spoon, some people weren't even opportune to be born with a spoon at all.

​While some of those born with silver spoon (Into wealthy homes) have their lives well planned for them even before they were born, some of them their parents opened a savings account in their names while they were still being breastfed, Some were groomed to inherit their parent's company(s), some were groomed into studying in the best schools so as to be competent in the society, all these are good and I must say they are lucky.

​Coming to the group who weren't born with a spoon at all or let say maybe with a wooden or plastic spoon(those born into poor homes), These set of people start from nothing, some of them even engage in child labour just to survive, some hawk on the streets just to get money for feeding, some don't even get the opportunity to know what a classroom look like, No wonder the popular pidgin Nigerian phrase '' THIS LIFE NO BALANCE '' and truly life isn't balanced we as humans try to balance our lives as much as we can.

Now while some of those who were born into poor homes sit to lament on how life isn't fair to them thereby feeling incapacitated and doing nothing to make their lives better, some who are in same shoe strive to succeed , they fight hard to make a difference not letting the condition they found themselves deter them, As humans there's nothing we can't achieve with a good mindset no matter where we find ourselves. Just like the plants in this picture see how green and beautiful they are, they didn't allow the fact that they are on a rocky ground deter them, they fought their way through and finally their roots got to a fertile soil below the concrete floor.

They didn't sit to lament on the fact that they weren't on a well cultivated soil to grow and flourish, take a good look at them, they even look greener than some plants on well cultivated soils.

I just hope I've inspired a soul today to know that impossible is nothing, we are LIMITLESS no matter the condition we find ourselves, Strive to make a difference.


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Avatar for Mohid4772
3 years ago


Life sprouts out from the barren. There is nothing impossible.

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3 years ago

Lifè is becoming from what you didn't expect So beleive in Allah Almighty

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3 years ago

Are you the same person that posted it on uptrennd or did you copy someone else article?

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3 years ago