Child labor

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Thinking about the plight of the children, Sukant had to say in his heart of sorrow - "The blood of the best man to eat". People today are playing with people's lives like greedy animals. Children are not liberated in the state of human greed. A class of selfish people has been making huge profits by employing children in factory work. They are getting their work done by showing thumbs up to the law. Child labor has been around since ancient times. Why should there be this example of humiliation and shamelessness of the human soul even in the civilized countries where people boast of conscience and sense of freedom. The child laborer earns what he earns by working fourteen to four hours a day. Unskilled workers say they have no fixed wages; But unspeakable oppression is inflicted on them. Kicking and whipping have to be endured for the slightest negligence. There may not be time to keep track of the tears of these child laborers in the civilized society of the world. There is no doubt that the cries of these thousands of children and their salty tears have made the world think today.
The number of child laborers below the age of ten is not less in various factories and households in Bangladesh. Recently, under international pressure, the number of workers in the garment industry has been reduced to almost zero. However, a large number of child laborers have to work as boys in hotels and restaurants. Apart from farming, they are also used in fireworks, matches or glass and bead factories. Child laborers were forced into mafia plots in the seaport area. Besides, a class of anti-social people earn a lot of money by using them for theft, snatching, begging etc. For this purpose, a large number of children were abducted and taken to other countries, including neighboring countries, and tortured physically and mentally.

In our country, the number of people living below the poverty line is about 80 percent. In the heat of poverty, they force their children to take child labor scholarships. In addition, the problem of child labor is becoming more complex as a result of the response to equitable distribution with population growth. Political catastrophe, sectarianism, disintegration of refugee life, brutal behavior of unruly parents, etc. are also largely responsible for this problem. Family size is also one of the main reasons for this problem. Where a couple has many children, it does not work unless the children's income is added to support the family, and the problem continues to grow.
Although the Child and Women Abuse Act-1995 was in force in Bangladesh, this problem could not be solved. In fact, real solution to the problem is not possible with law. Problems cannot be solved without proper education and poverty alleviation. Just as the government has to take responsibility for the rehabilitation of child laborers, social welfare agencies have to play a leading role in this regard.
"Child labor is primarily a curse for our nation," said one expert. The main cause of child labor is poverty. Extreme poverty in one part of the country is responsible for this. More legislation is being considered to repeal child labor.

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