Be critical

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People will criticize your name. So don't lose self-confidence.

But now is not the time to look for inspiration. Keep your ego away for a while. If you had all the answers, maybe you could have overcome all the obstacles by now. You need help from others. Approach those you know who are clear and truthful. Tell them your work and thoughts to face questions and challenges. Refrain from justifying your approach. Keep an open mind and create a mindset of learning something new. It may be difficult for you, but it will help you to overcome the unnecessary thoughts and various ineffective processes that are hindering your progress."Reassess the criteria for good and bad
Every day you do something good is a good day for you - try to think like that. Similarly, the worst day is the day you lose your car or something very valuable. If you think like this, you can be happy easily and you will not be very upset.

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