Students and Books

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Books, Reading

Hello everyone. I know I haven't been present lately here on read cash but that is due to some unforseen circumstances. I have been really busy since the beginning of the week and not had time to engage articles here. But that doesn't mean I don't come here once in a while, it is just that my engagement is limited.

Let's leave all that and focus on today's article. I am here to talk about a topic you guys will know all too well about, Students and Books. Some students like book others not so much but a majority of students don't like book as much as they don't like school because it just doesn't interest them.

Out educational system is centred around reading and there is no classroom that you would go to that you wouldn't see books. Most if not all of the time their teachers or lectures teach them by reading from a book or telling them to. So basically you spend the entire day reading or listening to someone reading.

But that doesn't mean the students just have a theory knowledge as some schools take them through the practical. Practical is especially good as it gives the student an hands on knowledge on a certain topic so as to tackle real life problems. So reading isn't just everything as you also need the practical knowledge also.

I am here to talk about the relationship between students and their books. Using my school as an example I can say for a fact that students love their books. Reading all through the day and night. Even during the break they still open their books to prepare for the next academic session. We are on break right now and some students have almost finished the entire syllabus. I don't trust those kind of people because they can sly you in life. When they should be relaxing in the holiday they are busy reading. Sly.

But this doesn't capture the situation on all Universities campus as not all group of students are the same. Like my school is the best in the country, the first and best and as such the competition to gain admission into the school is tight. This means that only the brightest and smartest students in the country gain admission into certain courses because the cut off mark is high. This is why most students like reading in my school because it is the ones that like book that enter.

Like I said earlier this isn't always the case. I know of some schools also where are they couldn't care less about their academics. They care more about parties, girls/guys, drugs, money and sports. This is what they spend their time all and their lecturers do not care. They are just collecting salary for nothing and some of them even collect bribes from their students to improve their academics. Others even demand romantic relationships from their female students in other for them to pass their course. This is really sad and disheartening.

In the beginning of my article I said that most students do not like books or do not like reading and I am here to tell you why.

They are not interested in school: This is the bitter truth that parents do not want to hear. Teenagers and youths nowadays are seeing there are other opportunities outside school and white collar jobs. You don't necessarily have to go to school to make it in life as before. You can have a talent or a skill that you are very good at and monetize it. It is what athletes, musicians and artisans do. They have no formal education and are still good at what they do, that's because they've honed their skills over time.

This encourages students coupled with the fact that they spend years in school especially the productive years of their life learning something that they wouldn't use in the real world. Like who is ever going to use the Quadratic formula for any real life problem. They just think it is better for them to do something that is beneficial and will help them in the future rather than wasting their time. It is better to start making money at a young age so as to retire early.

There is no job outside and as such they are discouraged. After being in school for so many years and finally finishing or graduating there is no job waiting for you, you begin to wonder whether it was all worth it. Whether it was better for you to just drop out and go learn a skill or a trade and start working thereby earning some money. This is done so as to kick start their life early.

It is glaring for all to see that students are beginning not to like school and also not like reading. This isn't an encouraging development and we should do all we can to restore their interest because that's the only way our society can ever move forward. They are the and our future.

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My sponsors. I just got a new sponsor, well he isn't so new but he has renewed his sponsorship after a very long time. So welcome back and thank you very much.

There are a lot of things or points that I didn't write but that will be for another day. I hope you enjoyed the article and understood my points. Hopefully students will start to like their books again.

Till next time.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Books, Reading


Nowadays youths are already getting that way too much money they want therefore they don't see the necessity to go to school, and fail to realize that education is and will always be the best legacy.

Is you don't build a very good relationship with your books, then you'll turn out to be an ignorant illiterate no matter the money. We're now in a generation whereby everyone should go to school

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Students of nowadays no longer go find it important to go to school. All they have in mind is to get rich quick.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I also have a limited time to spend on read cash so I had to rather study my books

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's good to hear, continue.

$ 0.00
2 years ago