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2 years ago

Where do you get the inspiration to write your articles?

That's a question I ask people whenever I am experiencing writer's block. What exactly do you do to get an idea or topic to write about. Is it from your daily activities or maybe from someone or an idea just popped into your head. It could be many things or anything. It doesn't have a rule to it or a guidelines. Sometimes it doesn't involve any process at all. It is truly mysterious.

The image above says live, work and create. It is possible for someone to be alive and not living, working or creating. He/she is just another clump of cells walking on the surface of the earth. If anyone is like this, it is very unfortunate. No one is supposed to exist in that manner. We are supposed to experience life and enjoy it to the fullest. Nothing and no one should bring us down or make us regret ever being alive.

When you live you are going out there into the world to experience life in it's fullest. Both the good, bad and ugly. It is all path of the experience. Life is not a bed of roses neither is it a pillow of thorns. We have both the good moments and the bad ones. The happy times and the sad times. It is all part of life. On our journey we will experience such things that will shape and change us in ways that we can't imagine.

We work so that we know our purpose in life. What we want to do with our life. The value that we are adding to the society and the lives of people around us. When you work you are producing a service or product that is meeting the need of someone. In return the person pays you with money or with something that you consider as value too.

Working gives you a sense of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. There are not too many feelings that can be compared to the feeling of making an impact in your local community and in the world at large. It is a gradual process and you definitely will not get there overnight if you do not have any connections but you should keep pushing forward and going harder till you get what you're aiming for.

Create. This is where the inspiration I earlier talked about comes in. Like for example, I am creating by writing this article hear and I am getting my inspiration from the live, work and create image. Your idea doesn't have to be something huge or extraordinary it just has to make an impact no matter how little it may be. Whatever you are creating has to be impactful and show how creative you can be.

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Live, work and create that should be your motto for the second part of the year. June will be ending in the next seven days and we need all the energy we can get to keep pushing forward so that we can finish strong.

But still you haven't answered my question. Where do you get your inspiration from?

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Written by
2 years ago



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2 years ago

As regards where I get my inspiration from, it's basically when I go out, when I feel some certain kind of emotion that arrived through either good or bad experiences. Watching a movie, reading a book, reading the articles of others, someone's WhatsApp status...

Just like you said, we have to live and work to actually create... Though sometimes even after exerting lots of energy to create something beautiful, it just might not be appreciated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😃 that's good to hear. At least now I know the secret behind your amazing articles 😉

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2 years ago