My Personal Thoughts About The Infrastructure Bill (Or Any Bills)

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Written by
3 years ago

I have not kept myself up to date about the impact of the infrastructure bill on crypto markets. I seldom read the news because it is so depressing. But this article is not so much about that bill, but rather that when it comes to regulations, the common people is always fighting an unfair and unreasonable asymmetrical battle against the regulators.

I remember a video where lawmakers were gathered into a room and given a single day to read a gigantic pile of paper, more than 25000 pages and then to decide whether to approve the bill or not. It does not take a genius to see how this process can be abused to the advantage of those pushing for the bill to happen. They could sneak in a paragraph of self benefiting terms and nobody would be none the wiser.

So why do I say the common people is always fighting an unfair and unreasonable asymmetrical battle against the regulators? Think about the amount of energy the people has to organize in order to fight a single bill pushed forward by the regulators. For the regulator, it takes a day of writing a new bill and to push forward their personal agenda. For the common people to appeal against it, you have to organize a large group of people and convince them to call up their senators, email the relevant regulators, organize a petition with thousands of signatories, and even so, the bill has great odds of being passed regardless of all these efforts against it. Well, in the event where the bill can’t pass, the guy who wrote the bill can just modify the bill a little bit and push it forward again. And the common people has to re-organize themselves, convince them to call up their senators, email the relevant regulators, organize a petition with thousands of signatories and so on. The amount of energy required to push forward a bill is almost insignificant compared to the amount of energy required to appeal against the bill. This asymmetrical battle is why I think the political system is rigged from the start.

If you think the government cares about you, I am here to tell you that they don’t. Maybe there are benevolent dictators out there, but the odds are so small we should just assume there is none. You cannot change a corrupted system by appealing to the same group of corrupted politicians for change. In a rigged game, the winning move is not to play that game at all.

$ 22.41
$ 20.71 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 1.00 from @ErdoganTalk
$ 0.50 from @lugaxker
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Written by
3 years ago


If you think the government cares about you, I am here to tell you that they don’t.

The idea of democracy is that government does what the people want. Now it seems it's been turned around and the government tries to get the people to do what they (or rather the lobbyists) want.

Democracy in it's current implementations has clearly failed. Centralization leads to corruption.

We need better solutions.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yep, I totally agree with you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed, sometimes we don't know how to cope with that bills

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are right there sir it is always the small people in the society that is affected by the bills the lawmakers makes. We are always the underdogs of the society.

$ 0.10
3 years ago